Link de Pagamento Cielo

About this documentation

This manual will guide the developer in the integration with Link de Pagamento Cielo API. By integrating the Link de Pagamento API, you will be able to:

You can also use Link de Pagamento through the Cielo website or through the Cielo Gestão app.

About Link de Pagamento Cielo

Link de Pagamento allows you to send a payment link for an order to your customers via social media or any other channel you prefer. When opening the payment link, the shopper will see a page customized with your store logo and payment options.

You can sell different types of products:

You can create a Link de Pagamento through the Cielo website, the Cielo Gestão app or through the Link de Pagamento API. In this manual, we will talk about the integration of the Link de Pagamento API.

Any store that wants to sell online can create a payment link and share this link through social media. You don’t need to have an e-commerce to use Link de Pagamento.

Link de Pagamento API

Link de Pagamento API is a REST API that allows creating, editing and querying payment links. The main advantage of the API is that it allows stores to create payment links (via buttons or QR Codes) through their own systems and share the Link de Pagamento with their customers, without the need to access the Cielo website.

The following image represents the general flow of how the Link de Pagamento API works:

Imagem Fluxo Geral Super Link Ingles

  1. The merchant sends a payment link creation request to the Link de Pagamento API;
  2. Link de Pagamento API returns a payment link URL and a link ID;
  3. The merchant shares the payment link with the shopper;
  4. The shopper makes the payment;
  5. Cielo (as the acquirer) authorizes the payment and sends confirmation to Link de Pagamento;
  6. The Link de Pagamento API sends a transaction completion notification or status change notification to the store. If desired, the merchant can develop a process for sending a confirmation email to the shopper (not available through the Link de Pagamento API).

Payment methods and brands

With Link de Pagamento you can sell your products and services using the main payment methods, such as credit and debit cards or digital wallets

Credit card (in cash or in installments) Visa, Mastercard, Elo, Diners, Hipercard, JCB, American Express, Aura and Discover
Debit card Visa, Mastercard and Elo
Digital wallets QR Code Pay (credit and debit)
Pix Cielo

Quick Start

To start your integration with the Link de Pagamento API, you will need:

  1. Request the establishment number (EC) for the Link de Pagamento;
  2. Configure the store settings (customization of the page, choosing payment methods and a contract with the Post Office, if there is one);
  3. Set up a notification and status change URL for your store;
  4. Get the API access credentials (ClientId and Client Secret);
  5. Request an access token via API using the credentials;
  6. With the token, create a payment link;
  7. When there is a payment attempt on the link, you will receive a notification* with all data filled in at checkout;
  8. If the transaction changes status, you will receive a notification* of the status change;
  9. To perform tests, use Link de Pagamento’s Test Mode.

*If you have configured the notification URL.

Merchant Settings

Before setting up, you need to enable Link de Pagamento for your store.

Setting up your store

Access the Store Settings on the Cielo website

Go to the Cielo website and login. Go to E-commerce > Link de Pagamento > Configurações > Configurações da loja.

1. Customize the appearance of the payment page

Insert your store logo image and choose a background color. Click Salvar.

Aparência da Página de Pagemento

2. Set up sending the checkout confirmation email to the shopper

If you don’t want your end customer to receive an order completion email after payment, disable this option. Then click on Salvar.

E-mail de finalização para o comprador

3. Define the desired payment methods

Select the payment methods you would like to make available to your customers. For credit card, also choose the maximum number of installments allowed. Then click Salvar.

Meios de Pagamento Ativos


  • To use boleto, request authorization to the E-commerce Support;
  • The number of installments chosen by payment methods must be the same as that shown in your Cielo registration. Consult the E-commerce Support if you have any questions.

Enabling Pix on the Cielo portal
To use Pix, your registration must be enabled with the Pix payment method. To confirm the qualification, access the Cielo portal and click on Meu Cadastro > Authorizações > Pix.
If Pix is not enabled in your registration, the adding screen will be displayed if your establishment (EC) is eligible; after completing the Pix adding process, it will be possible to use Pix at Checkout Cielo.
Adesão ao Pix

For more details see the Link de Pagamento and Checkout Cielo tutorial.

4. Configure your store’s return, notification, and status change URLs

You will be asked to fill in the return, notification, and status change URLs. URLs must be created and defined by the merchant. Then click on Salvar.

URLs de Notificação

5. Configure Capture and Antifraude

When accessing your store’s settings, look for the Antifraude and automatic capture section. Select the desired option:

Configuração de captura e Antifraude

6. Configure Correios shipping options

If your store works with the delivery of physical products (those that need shipping), enter your Correios login and password and select the desired services, such as the types of Sedex and PAC.

If your store works with digital materials, services or payments, that is, sales that do not require shipping, skip this step.

Configuração do Frete Correios

Default settings

If you don’t fill in the Store Settings, Link de Pagamento will default to the following:

Test Mode


As it is a non-financial request, the Link de Pagamento API does not have a Sandbox to test the creation of links. Links must be created from the production environment. Accreditation can be done through the cielo website or through the ecommerce center.

Suporte Cielo E-commerce

+55 11 4002-5472

0800 570 8472

Financial tests can be performed by activating the test mode in your store settings.

Enabling Test Mode

Test mode can be activated in the Settings tab by enabling the Test Mode checkbox. Test mode will only start when the selection is saved.

Modo Teste Ativo selecionado

When the option is saved, a red stripe will appear at the top of the screen. It will be displayed on all Link de Pagamento screens.

This stripe indicates that your store is now operating in a test environment, that is, all transactions carried out in this mode will be considered as a test.

Modo Teste Ativo Tarja Vermelha

Test Transactions

All transactions carried out in test mode will be displayed as normal transactions on the Cielo Checkout Orders tab, however, they will be marked as test transactions and will not be counted together with transactions carried out outside the test environment.

Lista de Transações no Modo Teste

These transactions will have the test symbol differentiating them from your other transactions. They can be captured or canceled using the same procedures as for real transactions.

WARNING: When opening your store for sales to your customers, make sure Test Mode is disabled.
Transactions carried out in Test Mode can be finalized normally, but will not be deducted from the customer’s card and cannot be “transferred” to the standard sales environment.

How to make a transaction on test mode

After activating test mode, transactions are carried out normally. The creation of the link can be done using the same parameters as in the production environment, however, the payment methods to be used will be simulated methods.

To carry out test transactions with different payment methods, follow these rules:

Credit or debit card transactions

To test credit or debit cards, it is necessary to use a card that follows the Luhn algorithm and has the final number corresponding to the desired authorization status of the card (see details in the table below).

Credit or debit card authorization status

Authorized Cards ending from 0 to 4.
Not Authorized Cards ending from 5 to 9.

Example: 5404434242930100 = Authorized


Simply carry out the purchase process normally without any changes to the procedure. The boleto generated in test mode will always be a simulated boleto.


The endpoints for integration with Link de Pagamento are presented in the following table:

Cielo OAUTH2 Server Authentication
Link de Pagamento API Creation, consultation and deletion of payment links.
Transactional Control API Transaction querying.

Important: The Link de Pagamento API does not have a sandbox, but you can create test links by activating Test Mode on the Cielo website.

Transactions created with Test Mode enabled can be queried by the Transactional Control API.

Cielo OAUTH Authentication

Cielo OAUTH is an authentication process for Cielo APIs related to e-commerce. Cielo OAUTH uses the OAUTH2 protocol as security, in which it is first necessary to obtain an access token using your credentials and then send it to the Link de Pagamento API.

To use Cielo OAUTH the following credentials are required:

ClientId Key identifier provided by CIELO guid
ClientSecret Key that validates the ClientID. Provided by Cielo with ClientID string

To generate the Client ID and Client Secret, see Obtaining the Credentials topic below.

Obtaining the credentials

To obtain the ClientId and ClientSecret credentials for authentication in the Link de Pagamento API, follow the steps below:

  1. After receiving the establishment number (EC) with Link de Pagamento enabled, access the Cielo website and log in;
  2. Go to the Ecommerce tab > Link de Pagamento > Configurações > Dados Cadastrais;
  3. In the Contato técnico section, fill in the contact details of the person responsible for receiving the keys to your store. ATTENTION: only enter the data of the person who can actually have access to the keys to your store, which are confidential information for each establishment;
  4. Click on Gerar Credenciais de Acessos às APIs;
  5. You will receive an email with the credentials

Obtaining the access token

To gain access to Cielo services that use Cielo Oauth, you will need to obtain an access token, as per the steps below:

  1. Concatenate the Client Id and Client Secret, **ClientId:ClientSecret**
  2. Encode the result in Base64
  3. Send the token creation request, using the HTTP POST method.

Concatenation Example

Field Format
ClientId b521b6b2-b9b4-4a30-881d-3b63dece0006
ClientSecret 08Qkje79NwWRx5BdgNJsIkBuITt5cIVO
ClientId:ClientSecret b521b6b2-b9b4-4a30-881d-3b63dece0006:08Qkje79NwWRx5BdgNJsIkBuITt5cIVO


Request must be sent only in the request Header.

--header "Authorization: Basic {base64}"
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


The response will contain the access_token, which should be used in Link de Pagamento API requests.

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnRfbmFtZSI6Ik1ldUNoZWNrb3V0IE1hc3RlciBLZXkiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjODlmZGasdasdasdmUyLTRlNzctODA2YS02ZDc1Y2QzOTdkYWMiLCJzY29wZXMiOiJ7XCJTY29wZVwiOlwiQ2hlY2tvdXRBcGlcIixcIkNsYWltc1wiOltdfSIsInJvbGUiOiJasdasdasd291dEFwaSIsImlzc47I6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXV0aGhvbasdasdnJhc3BhZy5jb20uYnIiLCJhdWQiOiJVVlF4Y1VBMmNTSjFma1EzSVVFbk9pSTNkbTl0ZmasdsadQjVKVVV1UVdnPSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5Nzk5NjY3NywibmJmIjoxNDk3OTEwMjc3fQ.ozj4xnH9PA3dji-ARPSbI7Nakn9dw5I8w6myBRkF-uA",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 1199
Access_token Used to access API services string
Token_type Will always be bearer type text
Expires_in Token lifetime in seconds. Approximately 20 minutes int

The token returned (access_token) must be used in every request to the Link de Pagamento API as an authorization key. The access_token has a validity of 20 minutes (1200 seconds) and it is necessary to generate a new token every time the validity expires.

Payment Link

To create a payment link, send a POST with product or service data.


Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "type": "Digital",
  "name": "Pedido",
  "description": "teste description",
  "price": "1000000",
  "weight": 2000000,
  "expirationDate": "2027-06-19 16:30:00",
  "maxNumberOfInstallments": "1",
  "quantity": 2,
  "sku": "teste",
  "shipping": {
    "type": "WithoutShipping",
    "name": "teste",
    "price": "1000000000"
  "recurrent": {
    "interval": "Monthly",
    "endDate": "2024-02-06"
  "softDescriptor": "Pedido1234"

Product data

type Type of sale to be carried out through the payment link:
Asset – Physical Material
Digital – Digital Product
Service – Service
Payment – Simple Payments
Recurrent – Recurrent Payment
String 255 Yes
name Product name String 128 Yes
description Product description that will be displayed on the payment screen if the show_description option is true. It is allowed to use the pipe character | if you want to break the line when presenting the description on the payment screen. String 256 No
showDescription Flag indicating whether or not the description should be displayed on the payment screen. Boolean No
price Product value in cents. Int 1000000 Yes
expirationDate Link expiration date. If a date is informed, the link becomes unavailable on the informed date. If no date is informed, the link does not expire. The property also allows you to include an expiration time, but it is not required. If a time is not included, the default is 00:00:00. String (YYYY-MM-DD) 10 No
weight Product weight in grams. String 2000000 No
softDescriptor Description to be presented on the cardholder’s credit card statement. String 13 No
maxNumberOfInstallments Maximum number of installments that the shopper can select on the payment screen. If not informed, the store settings will be used. Attention: do not send this field if the product type (type) is equal to “Recurrent”. int up to 2 characters (1 to 12 installments) No
quantity Number of transactions remaining until the link stops working. int 2 No
sku Product identification code. String 32 No

Inside description you can use the pipe character | if you need to break the line when presenting the description on the payment link screen.

Shipping data

The data that must be filled in regarding shipping are in the shipping node.

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION TYPE SIZE REQUIRED Shipping name. Mandatory for shipping type “FixedAmount”. string 128 Yes
shipping.price The shipping price. Mandatory for shipping type “FixedAmount”. int 100000 Yes
shipping.originZipCode ZIP code of origin of the order. Mandatory for “Correios” shipping. It must only contain numbers. string 8 No
shipping.type Shipping type. Correios – Delivery by courier.
FixedAmount – Fixed Amount
Free - Free
WithoutShippingPickUp – No delivery with pick up at the store
WithoutShipping – No delivery
If the type of product chosen is “Asset” , the allowed types of shipping are: “Correios, FixedAmount or Free”.
If the chosen product type is “Digital” or “Service”, the allowed types of shipping are: “WithoutShipping, WithoutShippingPickUp”.
If the type of product chosen is “Recurrent” the type of shipping allowed is: “WithoutShipping”.
string 255 Yes

Recurrence data

The recurrent node contains payment recurrence information. It can be informed if the product type (type) is “Recurrent”.

recurrent.interval Recurrence billing interval.
string 128 No*
If not sent, the monthly interval will be considered.
recurrrent.endDate Recurrence end date. If not sent, the recurrence ends only if cancelled. YYYY-MM-DD format. string 10 No


The response will return the payment link in the shortUrl field and the id of the link, which can be used to query, update or delete the link.

“HTTP Status”: 201 – Created

  "id": "529aca91-2961-4976-8f7d-9e3f2fa8a0c9",
  "shortUrl": "",
  "type": "Asset",
  "name": "Pedido ABC",
  "description": "50 canetas - R$30,00 | 10 cadernos - R$50,00",
  "showDescription": false,
  "price": 8000,
  "weight": 4500,
  "shipping": {
    "type": "Correios",
    "originZipcode": "06455030"
  "recurrent": {
    "interval": "Monthly",
    "endDate": "2024-02-06"
  "softDescriptor": "Nome da Loja",
  "expirationDate": "2024-06-30T16:30:00",
  "maxNumberOfInstallments": 2,
  "links": [
      "method": "GET",
      "rel": "self",
      "method": "PUT",
      "rel": "update",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "rel": "delete",

The data returned in the response includes all data sent in the request and additional data regarding the creation of the link.

id guid Unique identifier of the payment link. It can be used to query, update or delete the link.
shortUrl string Represents the payment link that, when opened in a browser, will display the Cielo Checkout screen.
links object It presents the available and possible operations (RESTful hypermedia) to be performed after creating or updating the link.

To consult an existing link, just perform a GET informing the id of the link.

Important: The query response contains the link itself (shortUrl) and the same data returned when creating the link.
The link is not the transaction yet. A transaction will only be initiated when the shopper attempts payment and may or may not be authorized.
To query a transaction, see the section Transaction Query.


Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


HTTP Status: 200 – OK

  "id": "529aca91-2961-4976-8f7d-9e3f2fa8a0c9",
  "shortUrl": "",
  "type": "Asset",
  "name": "Pedido ABC",
  "description": "50 canetas - R$30,00 | 10 cadernos - R$50,00",
  "showDescription": false,
  "price": 8000,
  "weight": 4500,
  "shipping": {
    "type": "Correios",
    "originZipcode": "06455030"
  "softDescriptor": "Pedido1234",
  "expirationDate": "2024-06-30 16:30:00",
  "maxNumberOfInstallments": 2,
  "links": [
      "method": "GET",
      "rel": "self",
      "method": "PUT",
      "rel": "update",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "rel": "delete",
id guid Unique identifier of the payment link. It can be used to consult, update or delete the link.
shortUrl string Represents the payment link that, when opened in a browser, will display the Cielo Checkout screen.
links object It presents the available and possible operations (RESTful hypermedia) to be performed after creating or updating the link.

To update an existing link, just make a PUT request, informing the id of the link.

You can update a link to change the payment method, insert a new item in the order, change the order description or change the type of recurrence, for example.


Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "Type": "Asset",
  "name": "Pedido ABC",
    "50 canetas - R$30,00 | 10 cadernos - R$50,00 | 10 Borrachas - R$10,00",
  "price": 9000,
  "expirationDate": "2024-06-30 16:30:00",
  "weight": 4700,
  "sku": "abc123456",  
  "shipping": {
    "type": "FixedAmount",
    "name": "Entrega Rápida",
    "price": 1000
  "SoftDescriptor": "Pedido1234",
  "maxNumberOfInstallments": 2


HTTP Status: 200 – OK

  "id": "529aca91-2961-4976-8f7d-9e3f2fa8a0c9",
  "shortUrl": "",
  "type": "Asset",
  "name": "Pedido ABC",
    "50 canetas - R$30,00 | 10 cadernos - R$50,00 | 10 Borrachas - R$10,00",
  "showDescription": false,
  "sku": "abc123456",
  "price": 9000,
  "weight": 4700,
  "shipping": {
    "type": "FixedAmount",
    "name": "Entrega Rápida",
    "price": 1000
  "softDescriptor": "Pedido1234",
  "expirationDate": "2024-06-30 16:30:00",
  "maxNumberOfInstallments": 2,
  "links": [
      "method": "GET",
      "rel": "self",
      "method": "PUT",
      "rel": "update",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "rel": "delete",
id guid Unique identifier of the payment link. It can be used to consult, update or delete the link.
shortUrl string Represents the payment link that, when opened in a browser, will display the Cielo Checkout screen.
links object It presents the available and possible operations (RESTful hypermedia) to be performed after creating or updating the link.

Attention: The query response contains the same data returned when creating the link.

To delete an existing link just perform a DELETE informing the Id of the link.


Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


HTTP Status: 204 – No Content


Recurrence is an automatic scheduling process for credit transactions, that is, it is a transaction that will be repeated automatically, without the need for the shopper to access the transactional screen, in accordance with the rules defined at the time of scheduling.

If one of the transactions is not authorized, Checkout Cielo automatically retrys; for more details about automatic retry, see the Recurrence Retry section

Recurring transactions are ideal for business models that involve the concept of subscription, plan or monthly fee in their form of billing, such as:

The recurring transaction is different from an installment transaction. In the recurring transaction, the limit of the customer’s card is only committed by the amount of the subscription in the chosen period, that is, if it is monthly, only the amount of the monthly fee on the customer’s card will be committed. -Insurance subscription in the amount of R$ 100.00 and with monthly billing for one year: every month, only R$ 100.00 of the card limit will be committed.

In the installment transaction, the limit committed on the customer’s card is the It is the total amount of the sale, regardless of the amount of the value of each installment. -Sale of a refrigerator in the amount of R$ 2000.00 in 10 installments of R$ 200.00: the entire amount of the purchase will be committed - (R$ 2000.00) - even if only R$ 200.00 per month is charged on the customer’s card statement.

A recurring Payment Link has two settings: Interval and End date.


  "recurrent": { 

    "interval": "Monthly", 

    "endDate": "2024-02-06" 

recurrent.interval Interval between each recurring transaction “Monthly”;
string 128 No
If not sent, defaults to monthly.
recurrent.endDate Recurrence end date. If not sent, the recurrence ends only if cancelled. string (YYYY-MM-DD format) 10 No  

The shopper’s credit card data is stored securely at Cielo, allowing it to be reused in a recurring transaction. This data is not accessed by the retailer and this intelligence is controlled by Link de Pagamento Cielo.



  "OrderNumber": "123456",   

  "type": "Digital", 

  "name": "Pedido", 

  "description": "teste description", 

  "price": "1000000", 

  "weight": 2000000, 

  "expirationDate": "2027-06-19", 

  "maxNumberOfInstallments": "1", 

  "quantity": 2, 

  "sku": "teste", 

  "shipping": { 

    "type": "WithoutShipping", 

    "name": "teste", 

    "price": "1000000000" 


  "recurrent": { 

    "interval": "Monthly", 

    "endDate": "2024-02-06" 


  "softDescriptor": "Pedido1234" 

Example: physical asset

If the product type is physical asset (Cart.Items.Type = “Asset”), the API requires the shipping type (Shipping.Type) to be sent.

If there is a recurrence node in the technical contract, it is required to send the type WithoutShipping, otherwise the following response will be presented:


  "message": "The request is invalid.", 

  "modelState": { 

    "[Shipping.Type]": [ 

      "[Shipping.Type] pedidos com recorrência devem possuir o Shipping.Type 'WithoutShipping'." 




Important: The recurrence is only created if the transaction is authorized. Regardless of capture or not, once authorized, the recurrence process begins.

Recurrence Retry

If one of the recurrence transactions is not authorized, Checkout Cielo automatically performs the retry, sending a new transaction, considering:

Note: This process aims to obtain a positive response from the authorization process, preventing the retailer from losing the sale. The retry process generates duplicate orders within the Backoffice, as the original denied order will be displayed in the Orders list, along with the new authorized transaction.

Attention: The retry rule cannot be modified by the merchant.

It is possible to query and cancel recurring transactions on the Cielo website.

Altering recurrence data

To change recurrence data, access the Cielo website, where you can change:

These changes can be made through two channels. Check below what they are and the respective guidelines:

Integrated alteration

To change data from a recurrence using the Link de Pagamento API, simply send a request with the information to be changed. Check out an example of this request.


Parameters in the header


  "PagadorRecurrentPaymentId": "0207CE76-8144-48DC-8B17-876465BC3A6D", 

  "EndDate": "2030-12-31", 

  "Interval": 1, 

  "NextPaymentDate": "2024-12-31", 

  "Amount": "33333.33", 

  "Day": "31" 

PagadorRecurrentPaymentI Recurrence identification number at Link de Pagamento. GUID 36 Yes
Amount Recurrence value in cents (ex: R$ 1.00 = 100) number 10 No
interval Recurrence billing interval in months.
“Monthly” - 1
“Bimonthly” - 2
“Quarterly” - 3
“SemiAnnual” - 6
“Annual “ - 12
number 10 No
EndDate Recurrence end date. If not sent, the recurrence ends only if cancelled. date (YYYY-MM-DD) 255 No
Day Day of the month on which the recurrence charge is made. date (DD) 2 No
NextPaymentDate Date of the next recurring charge. If changed, the next charges will follow this date.
Example: in a monthly interval recurrence, the day of the month on which the charge is made is always the 10th. The first charge was on 10/01/2024, so the next billing would be 10/02/2024. If this next billing date is changed to 20/02/2024, from then on, the next charges will be on the 20th of the month, monthly.
date (YYYY-MM-DD) 10 No


HTTP Status: 200 - OK

" Recurrent Payment - {id} Updated Successfully" 

Querying a recurrence

To query the data for a recurrence and the transactions linked to it, you must use the recurrence ID sent after creating a recurrence.

The query must be made by sending the access_token as authentication.


Parameters in the header

















            "name":"teste leo", 




            "formattedUnitPrice":"R$ 10,00", 

            "formattedTotalPrice":"R$ 10,00" 























$id number 10 Payload list index. Example: 1
id number 100 Recurrence record index (disregard value for query purposes). Example: 202
pagadorRecurrentPaymentId GUID 36 Recurrence identification number at Checkout. Example: 0207ce76-8144-48dc-8b17-876465bc3a6d
recurrentPaymentStatus number 1 Status of the recurrence (whether it is active or not). Example: 1
recurrentPaymentStatusEnum number 1 Status of the recurrence (whether it is active or not) Example: 1
isRecurrentPaymentExpired boolean 5 Informs whether the recurrence is expired. Example: false
allowEdit number 1 Whether to allow recurrence editing or not Example: true
startDate text 20 Recurrence start date. Example: 2024-02-05T15:05:44.423
endDate text 20 Recurrence end date. If not sent, the recurrence ends only if deactivated by the merchant. Example: 2026-03-30T00:00:00
formatedEndDate text 10 Recurrence end date, formatted. If not sent, the recurrence ends only if deactivated by the merchant. Example: 30/03/2026
day number 2 Day of the month on which the recurrence charge is made. Example: 30
Items.$id number 10 Item list index. Example: 2 text 256 Description of the item in the order cart. Example: bag of cookies
Items.quantity number 10 Quantity of items in the cart. Example: 1
Items.unitPrice number 10 Unit price of the item, in cents. (R$ 1.00 = 100) Example: 1000
Items.totalPrice number 10 Total price for the quantity of the same item. (R$ 1.00 = 100) Example: 1000
Items.formattedUnitPrice text 10 Unit price of the item, formatted. Example: R$10.00
Items.formattedTotalPrice text 10 Total price for the quantity of the same item, formatted. Example: R$10.00
Item.$ref text 10 Returns the index of the first item. Example: 2
history.$id number 10 Item list index. Example: 3
history.orderId text 36 Internal order ID, not used for queries. Example: 8390bbdc-8c0a-42bb-a144-3712ee1a1fad
history.createdDate text 23 Recurrence request creation date. Example: 2024-02-08T17:56:29.51
history.paymentStatus number 10 Code referring to the payment status. Example: 7
history.paymentStatusDescription text 30 Description regarding the payment status:
0 - Undefined;
1 - Pending;
2 - Paid;
3 - Denied;
4 - Expired;
5 - Canceled;
6 - Not Finalized;
7 - Authorized.
Example: Authorized
lastPaymentDate text 23 Date of the last payment of the recurrence. If there is no payment yet, it will return “0001-01-01T00:00:00”. Example: 2024-01-29T00:00:00
nextPaymentDate text 20 Date of the next recurrence charge, without formatting. Example: 2026-02-05T00:00:00
formattedNextPaymentDate text 10 Date of the next recurrence charge, formatted. Example: 05/02/2026
intervalDescription string 128 Recurrence billing interval.
Example: Monthly
recurrentPaymentStatusDescription text 50 Description of the recurrence status. See the Recurrence status table. Example: Active
amount number 10 Unit price of the recurrence, in cents. (R$ 1.00 = 100) Example: 4000.0

Deactivating a recurrence

To deactivate a recurrence, send the following request.


Parameters in the header

It is not necessary to send any parameters in the body.

Transaction notifications

The transactional notification process takes place in two steps, which are transaction completion notification and status change notification.

Transaction completion notification Notification URL It is sent after the shopper clicks Finalize, generating the transaction. This notification is sent only when the transaction is completed, regardless of whether there has been a change in status, that is, it does not mean that the transaction has been paid. Contains all sale data. POST or JSON
Status change notification Change Status URL It is sent when the transaction status changes.
The status can be changed from “Pendente (Pending)” to “Pago (Paid)”, “Cancelada (Cancelled)” or “Não finalizada (Not Completed)”, among others. See the complete list of statuses in the [Payment_status] table.
Contains the order identification data (it does not have the cart data). POST

*Notifications are sent to the URLs defined by the establishment in [Store Settings] and contain data on transactions carried out through the Link de Pagamento.

It is worth noting that Link de Pagamento notifies only when a transaction is considered finalized, that is, the shopper has filled in all the details on the payment screen and clicked on Finalize.

Example: The shopper accesses the payment link and chooses to pay via Pix. When you click Finalize, Link de Pagamento generates the Pix key and sends the transaction completion notification to the store, which will have the status “Pendente (Pending)”. When the shopper makes the payment via Pix, the transaction will have the status “Pago (Paid)” and Link de Pagamento will send the status change notification.

Notification features

Notification URLs are webhooks that can receive a notification via POST or via JSON:

POST Notification where the store is passive.
JSON Notification where the store performs a query.

Format of notifications

In notifications supported by the Link de Pagamento API, the format sent is Form Data, broken down by the Content-Type header ‘x-www-form-urlencoded’.

Expected return

The store’s server must return HTTPStatus = 200 (OK) to the Link de Pagamento API, indicating that the notification was successfully received and processed.

IMPORTANT: If the registered URL returns an error or is unavailable, three new attempts will be made, with an interval of one hour between each POST.

If the notification is not received, it is possible to manually request a resend in Detalhes do Pedido (Order details), by clicking on the arrow icon.

Transaction completion notification

It is the notification sent to the Notification URL and can be in POST or JSON format.

Notification via POST

Contains all transaction data, including merchant_order_number and checkout_cielo_order_number, which can be used to query a transaction.


order_number: "40e00eefbf094763a147af713fa07ece",
amount: "5000",
checkout_cielo_order_number: "b9ab1956738d45cc88edf51d7d03b13e",
created_date: "02/02/2023 17:01:35", 
customer_name: "nome do cliente", 
customer_phone: "2222222222", 
customer_identity: "12312312344", 
customer_email: "", 
shipping_type: "5", 
shipping_price: "0", 
payment_method_type: "6", 
payment_installments: "1", 
payment_status: "1", 
test_transaction: "False", 
product_id: "0f48e580-d0a2-4e3b-a748-6704927f1725", 
product_type: "3", 
product_description: "123", 
nsu: "00339922"

See the description of transaction details in the Notification Content section.

Notification via JSON

Notification via JSON is a safer and more flexible method to perform a query on Link de Pagamento Cielo. In this mode, the store receives the MerchantId and the MerchantOrderNumber and a URL to perform a query (GET) against the Link de Pagamento Cielo database and access transaction details.

Notification content via JSON

MerchantId: "799g0de8-89c3-5d17-c670-6b29d7f00175", 
MerchantOrderNumber: "1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7", 
Url: " /1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7"
URL URL with the necessary data to perform the transaction data search. String
MerchantId Store identifier in Link de Pagamento; appears on the Cielo website in the menu Configuração > Dados Cadastrais. Alphanumeric (guid)
MerchantOrderNumber Store order number; if not sent, Link de Pagamento will generate a number, which will be viewed by the Consumer. Alphanumeric

The store’s server must send the return HTTP Status = 200 (OK) to the Link de Pagamento API, indicating that the notification was received and processed successfully.

Example of a query to the URL returned via JSON


    "order_number": "1db9226geg8b54e6b2972e9b745b89c7",
    "amount": 101,
    "discount_amount": 0,
    "checkout_cielo_order_number": "65930e7460bd4a849502ed14d7be6c03",
    "created_date": "10-03-2023 14:38:56",
    "customer_name": "Test Test",
    "customer_phone": "11987654321",
    "customer_identity": "445556667",
    "customer_email": "",
    "shipping_type": 1,
    "shipping_name": "Motoboy",
    "shipping_price": 1,
    "shipping_address_zipcode": "06455-030",
    "shipping_address_district": "Alphaville",
    "shipping_address_city": "Barueri",
    "shipping_address_state": "SP",
    "shipping_address_line1": "Alameda Xingu",
    "shipping_address_line2": "Apto 25",
    "shipping_address_number": "512",
    "payment_method_type": 1,
    "payment_method_brand": 1,
    "payment_maskedcreditcard": "482852******6856",
    "payment_installments": 1,
    "payment_status": 3,
    "tid": "10558590697J62OH9BPB",
    "test_transaction": "False"

See the description of the sale details in the Notification Content section.

Notification Content

Both in the notification via POST or via JSON, the content of the returned data is the same. All returned fields are described below, as well as their definitions and sizes:

checkout_cielo_order_number Unique identifier generated by Link de Pagamento. Alphanumeric 32
amount Unit price of the product, in cents (ex: R$ 1.00 = 100). Number 10
order_number Order number sent by the store. Alphanumeric 32
created_date Order creation date - dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Alphanumeric 20
customer_name Consumer name. If sent, this value is already filled in on the Link de Pagamento. Alphanumeric 289
customer_identity Consumer identification (CPF or CNPJ) If sent, this value is already filled in on the Link de Pagamento Cielo screen. Alphanumeric 14
customer_email Consumer email. If sent, this value is already filled in on the Link de Pagamento Cielo screen. Alphanumeric 64
customer_phone Consumer phone number. If sent, this value is already filled in on the Link de Pagamento Cielo screen. Number 11
discount_amount Discount amount provided (only sent if there is a discount). Number 10
shipping_type Shipping method. Number 1
shipping_name Shipping name. Alphanumeric 128
shipping_price Value of the shipping service, in cents (ex: R$ 10.00 = 1000). Number 10
shipping_address_zipcode Delivery address zip code. Number 8
shipping_address_district Delivery address neighborhood. Text 64
shipping_address_city Delivery address city. Alphanumeric 64
shipping_address_state Delivery address state. Alphanumeric 64
shipping_address_line1 Delivery address. Alphanumeric 256
shipping_address_line2 Delivery address add-on. Alphanumeric 14
shipping_address_number Delivery address number Number 8
payment_method_type Payment method type code. Number 1
payment_method_brand Brand (only for transactions with a credit card payment method). Number 1
payment_method_bank Issuing bank (For Boleto and Automatic Debit transactions). Number 1
payment_maskedcreditcard Masked Card (Only for transactions with a credit card payment method). Alphanumeric 20
payment_installments Number of installments. Number 1
payment_antifrauderesult Status of credit card transactions in Antifraude Number 1
payment_boletonumber Generated boleto number. String 1
payment_boletoexpirationdate Expiration date for transactions carried out with boleto. String 10
payment_status Transaction status. Number 1
tid TransactionId Cielo generated at the time of transaction authorization. Alphanumeric 20
test_transaction Indicates whether the transaction was generated with Test Mode enabled. Boolean 32
product_id Payment Button/Link Identifier that generated the transaction. Alphanumeric 36
product_type Type of Button that generated the order (See ProductID table). Alphanumeric 32
product_sku Product identifier registration in the payment link. Text 16
product_max_number_of_installments Number of installments allowed by merchants for the payment link. Number 2
product_expiration_date Payment Button/Link Expiration Date. Alphanumeric 12
product_quantity Number of transactions remaining until the link stops working. Alphanumeric 2
product_description Payment link description registered by the merchant. Text 256
nsu NSU - Transaction unique sequential number. Alphanumeric 6
authorization_code Authorization code. Alphanumeric 8

Types of productID

Physical material 1
Digital 2
Service 3
Payment 4
Recurrence 5


Link de Pagamento has its own status, different from the Cielo website or the Cielo E-commerce API. See the complete list below.

1 Pendente Pending For all payment methods. Indicates that the payment is still being processed; NOTE: Boleto - Indicates that the boleto status has not been changed by the merchant
2 Pago Paid For all payment methods. Transaction was captured and money will be deposited into account.
3 Negado Denied Credit card only. Transaction not authorized by the person responsible for the payment method.
4 Expirado Expired Credit cards and boleto. Transaction is no longer valid for capture - 15 days after Authorization.
5 Cancelado Voided Credit cards only. Transaction was canceled by the merchant
6 Não Finalizado NotFinalized For all payment methods. Payment Waiting Status - May indicate error or processing failure. Contact Cielo Support.
7 Autorizado Authorized Credit card only. Transaction authorized by the card issuer. It must be captured for the money to be deposited in an account.
8 Chargeback Chargeback Credit card only. Transaction canceled by the shopper with the card issuer. Money will not be deposited into an account.

Note: For order inquiries, the payment.status field will be returned in text format, always in English (Transaction Status column).


Antifraude has the concept of Status and SubStatus, where the first represents the risk level that a transaction has of being a fraud, and the second, additional information about the transaction.

1 Low Risk Low Risk Low risk of being a fraudulent transaction.
2 High Risk High Risk High risk of being a fraudulent transaction. Canceled automatically.
4 Not finalized Not finalized It was not possible to finalize the query.
N/A N/A Not applicable Debit card transaction that was authenticated by 3DS 2.0, therefore not eligible for Antifraude review.
N/A N/A N/A Unanalyzable payment method such as boleto, Pix, QR Code, and credit card transaction that was denied by the issuer.
N/A N/A Recurrence transaction For recurrence cases, after the first paid transaction, the next transactions of a recurrence are not analyzed by the anti-fraud. Only the first transaction is analyzed.


Link de Pagamento allows only one type of Boleto per establishment, so the notification does not return if the provider used was Bradesco or Banco do Brasil, as only one of them will be active in the affiliation.

1 CreditCard
2 Boleto
4 DebitCard
5 QrCode
6 Pix
7 QrCodeDebit

Note: For queries the Type is returned in the Payment.Type field and is filled with the literal value (Description).


It’s the brand of the card.

1 Visa
2 Master
3 AmericanExpress
4 Diners
5 Elo
6 Aura
8 Discover
9 HiperCard

In queries, the card brand is returned in the Payment.Brand field and is filled with the literal value.


1 Banco do Brasil
2 Bradesco


1 Correios
2 Fixed shipping
3 Free shipping
4 Pick up at hand/store
5 No shipping charge (digital services or products)

Status change notification

It is sent to the status change URL and contains the checkout_cielo_order_number, the new status and some transaction data.

To find out more details about the transaction, make a query using checkout_cielo_order_number.

The status change notification format is POST (form data).

checkout_cielo_order_number: "b918afea483d4c6c8615d8a8e19803c1",
amount: "134",
order_number: "024f77ac98cb493b86d8c818eb6e79cd",
payment_status: "3",
test_transaction: "False",
brand: "Visa",
nsu: "000001",
authorization_code: "01234567"
checkout_cielo_order_number Unique identifier generated by Link de Pagamento Cielo. Alphanumeric 32
amount Unit price of the product, in cents (eg: R$ 1.00 = 100) Number 10
order_number Order number sent by the store. Alphanumeric 32
payment_method_brand Brand - only for transactions with a credit card payment method. Complete List Number 20
payment_status Status of the transaction. Complete List Number 1
test_transaction Indicates if the transaction was generated with Test Mode enabled. Boolean 32
nsu NSU - Transaction unique sequential number. Alphanumeric 6
authorization_code Authorization code. Alphanumeric 8

Transaction Query

The query of transactions via API can be done up to 45 days after the sale has been made.

The control of orders originating from a payment link can be done through the Transactional Control API. Querying orders can be done in three different ways:

By order_number

Querying transactions by order_number returns a list of transactions with the same number of orders; this occurs because the Link de Pagamento does not prevent the duplication of order_numbers by the store. The response will return the checkout_cielo_order_number, which should be used when querying a specific transaction.


To query a transaction by order_number, do a GET.


        "$id": "1",
        "checkoutOrderNumber": "a58995ce24fd4f1cb025701e95a51478",
        "createdDate": "2023-03-30T12:09:33.57",
        "links": [
                "$id": "2",
                "method": "GET",
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""
        "$id": "3",
        "checkoutOrderNumber": "438f3391860a4bedbae9a868180dda6e",
        "createdDate": "2023-03-30T12:05:41.317",
        "links": [
                "$id": "4",
                "method": "GET",
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""
Property Description Type Size Format
$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
checkoutOrderNumber Order code generated by Link de Pagamento Cielo. Text 32 Example: a58995ce24fd4f1cb025701e95a51478
createdDate Order creation date Date -
links.$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
links.method Method for consuming the operation. Text 10 Examples: GET, POST or PUT.
links.rel Relationship for consumption of the operation. Text 10 Example: self
links.href Endpoint for consumption of the operation. Text 512 Example:

By Checkout_Cielo_Order_Number


To query a transaction via Checkout Cielo Order_Number, just do a GET.

Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


    "merchantId": "c89fdfbb-dbe2-4e77-806a-6d75cd397dac", 
    "orderNumber": "054f5b509f7149d6aec3b4023a6a2957", 
    "softDescriptor": "Pedido1234", 
    "cart": { 
        "items": [ 
                "name": "Pedido ABC", 
                "description": "50 canetas - R$30,00 | 10 cadernos - R$50,00 | 10 Borrachas - R$10,00", 
                "unitPrice": 9000, 
                "quantity": 1, 
                "type": "1" 
    "shipping": { 
        "type": "FixedAmount", 
        "services": [ 
              "name": "Entrega Rápida", 
                "price": 2000 
        "address": { 
            "street": "Alameda Xingu", 
            "number": "512", 
            "complement": "21 andar", 
            "district": "Alphaville", 
            "city": "Barueri", 
            "state": "SP" 
    "payment": { 
        "status": "Paid", 
        "tid": "10127355487AK2C3EOTB",
        "nsu": "149111",
        "authorizationCode": "294551",
        "numberOfPayments": 1,
        "createdDate": "2023-03-02T14:29:43.767",
        "finishedDate": "2023-03-02T14:29:46.117",
        "cardMaskedNumber": "123456******2007",
        "brand": "Visa",
        "type": "creditCard",
        "errorcode": "00",
        "antifraud": { 
            "antifraudeResult": 1,
            "description": "Risco Baixo" 
    "customer": { 
        "identity": "12345678911", 
        "fullName": "Nome do comprador", 
        "email": "", 
        "phone": "11123456789" 
    "links": [ 
            "method": "GET", 
            "rel": "self", 
            "href": "" 
            "method": "PUT", 
            "rel": "void", 
            "href": "" 
PROPERTY Type Size Description Format
merchantId GUID 36 Id of the Store at Link de Pagamento Cielo. Example: c89fdfbb-dbe2-4e77-806a-6d75cd397dac
orderNumber Text 32 Store order number. Example: 123456
softDescriptor Text 13 Name of the store displayed on the shopper’s invoice. No special characters or spaces. Example: Store_ABC_1234 Text 10 Type of discount applied. Possible values: Amount or Percent Number 18 Amount or percentage of discount applied. Example: If discount.type is Amount, then 1000 = R$10.00. If discount.type is Percent, the value will be between 0 and 100. Text 128 Item name in cart. Example: Order ABC
cart.items.sku Text 32 Product identifier. Will exist if given, eg abc123456789
cart.items.weight Number 10 Product weight. Will exist if given, eg 2
cart.items.description Text 256 Description of the item in the cart. Example: 50 pens - R$30.00
cart.items.unitPrice Number 18 Unit price of the product in cents Example: R$ 1.00 = 100
cart.items.quantity Number 9 Quantity of the item in the cart. Example: 1
cart.items.type Text 255 Type of item in cart Asset
shipping.type Number 36 Shipping method. Example: 1 Text 128 Shipping method. Example: Main House Number 10 Value of the shipping service, in cents. Example: R$ 10.00 = 1000 Numeric 10 Delivery time for order in days Example: 10 Numeric 1 Delivery type code, follows the Shipping_Type table Example: 1
shipping.address.street Text 256 Delivery address. Example: Rua João da Silva
shipping.address.number Number 8 Shipping address number. Example: 123
shipping.address.complement Text 64 Shipping address complement. Example: Home
shipping.address.district Text 64 Delivery address district. Example: Alphaville Text 64 Shipping address city. Example: São Paulo
shipping.address.state Text 2 Shipping address state. Example: SP
Payment.status Text 10 Transaction status Example: Paid Complete List
Payment.tid Text 32 Cielo TID generated at the time of transaction authorization. Example: 10127355487AK2C3EOTB
Payment.nsu Text 6 NSU Cielo generated at the time of transaction authorization. Example: 123456
Payment.authorizationCode Text 3 Authorization code. Example: 456789
Payment.numberOfPayments Number 6 Number of Installments. Example: 123456
Payment.createdDate Text 22 Transaction creation date. Example:
Payment.finishedDate Text 22 Transaction completion date. Example:
Payment.cardMaskedNumber Text 19 Masked card number. Example: 123456**2007
Payment.brand Text 10 Card’s brand. Example: Visa Complete List
Payment.antifraud.antifraudeResult Number 1 Antifraude status Example: 1
Payment.antifraud.description Text 256 Description of the Antifraude status Example: Merchant chose not to perform the anti-fraud analysis
Payment.type Text 11 Type of payment method Example: CreditCard complete list
Payment.errorcode Number 2 Return code Example: 00, 51, 57, etc complete list
Customer.Identity Number 14 CPF or CNPJ of shopper.Example: 12345678909  
Customer.FullName Text 256 Shopper’s full name. Example: Fulano da Silva
Customer.Email Text 64 Shopper’s email. Example:
Customer.Phone Number 11 Shopper’s phone. Example: 11123456789


To query a transaction by id, just do a GET.

Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


   "$id": "1",
   "productId": "9487e3a9-f204-4188-96c5-a5a3013b2517",
   "createdDate": "2023-02-11T10:35:04.947",
   "orders": [
           "$id": "2",
           "orderNumber": "b74df3e3c1ac49ccb7ad89fde2d787f7",
           "createdDate": "2023-02-11T10:37:23.447",
           "payment": {
               "$id": "3",
               "price": 11500,
               "numberOfPayments": 6,
               "createdDate": "2023-02-11T10:37:23.447",
               "status": "Denied"
           "links": [
                   "$id": "4",
                   "method": "GET",
                   "rel": "self",
                   "href": ""
Property Description Type Size Format
$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
productId Payment link id. GUID 36 Example: 9487e3a9-f204-4188-96c5-a5a3013b2517
createdDate Payment link creation date. Date -
orders.$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
orders.orderNumber Order ID generated by Link de Pagamento Cielo. Text 32 Example: b74df3e3c1ac49ccb7ad89fde2d787f7
orders.createdDate Order creation date. Date -
orders.payment.$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
orders.payment.price Amount of the order, without punctuation. Number - Example: BRL 1.00 = 100
orders.payment.numberOfPayments Number of installments. - Example: 3  
orders.payment.createdDate Transaction (payment) date. Date -
orders.payment.status Transaction Status. Text - Example: Denied Complete List
links.$id Node id. Number - Example: 1
links.method Method for consuming the operation. Text 10 Examples: GET, POST, PUT
links.rel Relationship for consumption of the operation. Text 10 Example: self
links.href Endpoint for consumption of the operation. Text 512 Example:

To carry out queries via the Transactional Control API on Link de Pagamento Cielo, it is required that the merchant has configured one of the two notification models:

It is required to have provided a transaction notification URL as the transaction query data will be sent in the notification content.

The Checkout_Cielo_Order_Number is only generated when the payment is completed on the transactional screen. It is only sent by the Notification URL and not by the Transactional screen creation Response.

Status and Codes

Link de Pagamento has its own status, different from the Cielo website or the API Cielo E-commerce. See the full list below.

1 Pending Boleto, Pix and QR Code Indicates that the payment is still being processed or is pending an action from the shopper.
Example: a boleto transaction with Pending status indicates that the boleto has not had its status changed by the shopper.
2 Paid All payment methods The transaction has been captured and the money will be deposited into the account.
3 Denied Credit and debit cards Transaction not authorized by the person responsible for the payment method.
4 Expired Credit and debit cards and boleto Credit and debit card: the transaction is no longer valid for capture 15 days after authorization.
Boleto: the boleto expires after the expiration date set by the Cielo E-commerce Support team as requested by the establishment.
5 Canceled Credit and debit cards Transaction canceled by the store.
6 Not Finalized All payment methods Payment awaiting new Status. May indicate error or processing failure. Contact Cielo E-commerce Support.
7 Authorized Credit and debit cards Transaction authorized by the card issuer. It must be captured for the money to be deposited into the account (by default, the transaction can be captured up to 15 days after authorization).

Card Brands Retry Program

When a shopper tries to make a card purchase on e-commerce, the transaction may be denied due to several reasons. The next attempts to complete the transaction using the same card are called retrying.

How retrying works

The denied transactions were classified as irreversible (never retry) and reversible (retry allowed).

The card brands determine if they will charge a fee for retrying and how many retry attemps are allowed before applying charges. The merchants who do not follow the card brand rules will be penalized by charging fees for exceeded transactions.

Please refer to Card Brands Retry Program manual to see each card brand rules.

ABECS return codes

The Brazilian Association of Credit Card and Services Companies (ABECS) establishes as of July 15, 2020, the standardization of the return codes for denied sales authorizations for both the in store and and e-commerce payment solutions of the Brazilian market.

Please refer to ABECS Return Codes table to get the complete list of return codes.

Antifraude Status

Field Definition
0 N \ A
1 Low risk
2 High Risk
3 Not finalized
4 Moderate risk
5 Authenticated
6 Not hired
7 Dismissed
8 Not Applicable
9 Recurrence Transaction