
V15 - New version of electronic statements - Documentation and test files

Aiming to bring greater transparency and fluidity in the conciliation of extracts, our files will have a new structure in their demonstration.

This change is expected to be implemented in 19/03/2024.

Below is the communication sent with the details of the changes, test files and complementary documentation to support the homologation.




Arquivos de Teste

It is important that the approval of the new structure takes place by the indicated date so as not to impact the reading of the extracts.

Important! The current version of the extracts will no longer be supported and generated from 03/06/2024.


V14/ V15 – New Elo Voucher

As established by Law No. 14,442, of September 2, 2022, the Elo Voucher is a card that is part of the new Open Benefit Arrangement and offers a variety of benefits to the worker, such as meal, food, culture, transportation

This change is scheduled for implementation on 04/15/2024.

Detailed Announcement:

Elo Voucher: New Product Code/Payment Method

Manual V14:



Manual V15:




V15.7 - Financial Reserve in the Electronic Statement

The Financial Reserve is basically an amount previously defined by Cielo that is reserved/blocked and is not available for negotiations/advances, and can be used to cover debts (such as fines, refunds, compensations, etc.), if there are no values ​​available in the agenda, in order to manage the risk inherent to the contractual relationship (Accreditor and Recipient/Client).

This change is scheduled for implementation on 06/03/2024.

For more information, see the updates regarding the new version 15.7 in the Manual:


NOTE: Version 15.8 includes both updates (15.7 and 15.8)

Communication (EN)

V15.8 - New update rules in the demonstration of Receivables Negotiations entries in the Electronic Statement

Since receivables negotiations may undergo changes, cancellations and recalculations by the card receivables registration system, or by the responsible financial institutions, from version 15.8 onwards the V15 Capture/Forecast Statement (CIELO03) will be demonstrating updates regarding expected payment amounts.

This change is scheduled for implementation on 06/03/2024.

For more information, see the Manual for updates regarding the new version 15.8:


NOTE: Version 15.8 includes both updates (15.7 and 15.8)

Communication (EN)

Change History

Production Version V14

Here you will find the documentation relating to the productive version of the EDI Statement, updated on: 02/23/2024

Manual Portuguese version

Manual English version

01/09/2023 - V14 - Inclusion of new Pix fields (CIELO16) - Documentation and test files

This change was implemented in 9/1/2023




09/12/2022 – V14 – Receivables Negotiation + pix

Note: the updates mentioned below will be available from June 7, 2021.

Manual de Extrato Eletrônico

Electronic Statement Manual - English version

Atualização de Layout EE - Registro de Recebíveis + PIX

Arquivos de teste – Comunicado 09/12/2022


This API makes possible to register groups and maintain their registration to receive Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files


The Electronic Statement is a service provided by Cielo to merchants that need an automatic in the reconciliation process. Through it, information is transmitted in a standardized manner, with no manual intervention via SFG channel (sterling file gateway), enabling agile and secure traffic of information/data. The macro flow of the service is as follows:


Consent Flow

Step 1 - Login

1 - The partner redirects the client to {cielo-login-url}.
2 - The customer enters with their credentials and clicks on ‘Login’.
3 - Cielo shows the authorization terms and the customer approves this access by clicking on ‘Allow Access. 4 - Cielo redirects the customer to the partner again at {partner-call-back-url}`.

Login and Access Grant

What is cielo-login-url?


What is partner-callback-url?


Step 2 - Requesting an Access Token


POST {cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token

Key Value
Authorization Basic Base64(client_id do parceiro concatenado com “:” e o client_secret codificado em base64)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token' \
--header 'Basic Base64'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
    "code": "{}"


"access_token": "{access_token}",
"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}",
"token_type": "access_token",
"expires_in": {expiration_time}

Property Description
access_token The access_token to call Cielo’s APIs.
refresh_token When the access_token expires, the partner can request a new access_token using this refresh_token.
expiration_time O tempo de expiração do access_token em milisgundos.


Step 3 - Requesting the APIs

At this point, the partner will be able to call Cielo’s APIs without the need for customer approval, as this has already been granted.

The only requirement to call Cielo’s APIs is to send the following HTTP header: ** Authorization: Bearer {access_token} ** In all calls to the APIs.

Step 3.1 - Updating an Access Token

  1. The partner calls the service refresh_token.
  2. Cielo returns a new access_token, a new refresh_token and a new expiration_time.

The response data will be the same as in step 2 when the partner requests an acess_token, however all data returned is new and needs to be stored in place of the old ones.


curl --location --request POST 'https://{cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token' \
--header 'Basic Base64'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
    "refresh_token": "{}"

A point of attention in the request because now the partner needs to send grant_type as refresh_token and in the refresh_token field a valid refresh_token should be sent (and no longer an access_token).


"access_token": "{access_token}",
"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}",
"token_type": "access_token",
"expires_in": {expiration_time}

Property Description
access_token The access_token to call Cielo’s APIs.
refresh_token When the access_token expires, the partner can request a new access_token using this refresh_token.
expiration_time O tempo de expiração do access_token em milisgundos.


If an error occurs on the Cielo side, the customer will be redirected to the partner’s call-back URL with the error parameter in the URL, for example https: // {partner-callback-url}? Error = {error}.

Possible values for {error}:

Optionally, another parameter error_description can be returned with a detail of the error, just plain text.



Environment URL


We make the Collections used to perform all API operations available. You only need to configure the URL and credentials.

Collections Download


POST Register Merchant ID

Register Merchant ID (just one, a list or all), based on a Entity Number.


POST /edi/registers


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "mainMerchantId": "9999111222",
  "merchants": [
  "merchantEMail": "",
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      


  "legalEntityNumber": 1234567890,
  "mainMerchantId": 2008983,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [
  "status": "PROCESSING"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

GET Retrieve status

Retrieve the EDI registration status.


GET /edi/registers/{registerID}


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "status": "PROCESSING"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

GET Consult Register Merchant ID

Consult Merchant ID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.


GET /edi


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token
registerID Registration ID provided by /edi/registers when registering. Can be used in place of mainMerchantID if preferred (only one needs to be informed).
mainMerchantID Main Customer ID. The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company. Can be used instead of registerID mainly in cases of registration not performed by /edi/registers.

  "legalEntityNumer": "12314314",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [
  "acknowledge": "COMPLETED"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      

PUT Update Register Merchant ID

Update Merchant ID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.


PUT /edi


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "registerID": "string",
  "mainMerchantId": "9999222333",
  "merchants": [
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      


  "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      

DELETE Delete Register Merchant ID

Delete MerchantID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.




Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token
registerID Registration ID provided by /edi/registers when registering. Can be used in place of mainMerchantID if preferred (only one needs to be informed).
mainMerchantID Main Customer ID. The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company. Can be used instead of registerID mainly in cases of registration not performed by /edi/registers.

  "legalEntityNumer": "12314314",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "acknowledge": "COMPLETED"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    

GET List of branches

Performs the list of customers below the informed access_token. The filter can be used to list only those available or unavailable. Unavailable means that the branch already participates in another register. In the register and editing services, there is validation to allow only those available to be informed.


GET /edi/merchantgroup


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "legalEntityNumber": "string",
  "branches": [
      "merchantID": "9999111222",
      "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
      "businessName": "V",
      "status": "UNAVAILABLE"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
branches List of branches      
businessName Legal business name      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

V14 - Types Of Electronic Statements

Table A - File Types

File Type Information Record Type Objective
03 Detailed Sales With Future Installments Sales completed on the previous day, adjustments, and declined transactions, with payment schedule.
All the first sales installments completed on the previous day.
0 - Header
1 - Sales Summary (with the first installment)
2 - Detailed Sales
1 - Sales Summary (payment schedule for the second and remaining installments)
9 - Trailer
Check whether all effective sales were received by Cielo and payment forecasts.
04 Detailed Payments Amounts paid into the merchant bank account on the day the Electronic Statement is sent out.
Transactions offset, as anticipated or transferred previously and payments of outstanding installments.
0 - Header
1 - Sales Summary
2 - Detailed Sales
9 - Trailer
Check the origin of the payment received (type of sale, card brand, and client/merchant that made the sale).
Reconciliation with Merchant Bank account.
06 Detailed Prepayment Cielo Prepayment operation of the day before the file is sent out, with the respective summary and details. 0 - Header
5 - Prepayment Operation
6 - Sales Summary
2 - Prepayment Detailed Sales
7 - Withheld prepayment by debits - Sales Summary 2 - Detailed Sales and Debits
9 - Trailer
Note: Record type 5 will be displayed for each merchant bank account.
Prepare cash flow, considering the prepayment amounts received.
07 Assignment Of Receivables Assignment operation conducted by the merchant bank account (only for Bradesco) on the day before the file is sent out.
The commercial terms negotiated or the indicator of the installment assigned is not shown.
0 - Header
5 - Assignment of Receivables
6 - Assignment Sales Summary
9 - Trailer
Note: Record type 5 will be displayed for each merchant bank account.
Prepare cash flow, considering the amounts received assignment operation.
09 Remaining Balance Cielo’s future receivables, including the transactions conducted, captured, and processed, debit and credit sales, and installment transactions that were not settled in the previous month.
The file is made available monthly.
0 - Header
1 - Sales Summary
9 - Trailer
Update the forward-receipts with appropriate rebates Prepayments and Adjustments.
It should not be used for reconciliation.
10 Detailed Prepayment Alelo Prepayment operation of the day before the file is sent out, with the respective summary and details. 0 - Header
5 - Prepayment Operation
6 - Sales Summary
2 - Prepayment Detailed Sales
7 - Withheld prepayment by debits - Sales Summary
2 - Detailed Sales and Debits
9 - Trailer
Note: Record type 5 will be displayed for each merchant bank account.
Prepare cash flow, considering the prepayment amounts received.

Layout For The Types Of Records

Record 0 - Header

It identifies the header of each file, by chain of electronic statement*.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant 0 : it identifies record type header (beginning of the file)
002 011 10 Num. Merchant’s head chain Number of the Cielo merchant registered in the VAN to receive the file.
012 019 8 Num. Processing date YYYYMMDD date on which the file was generated.
020 027 8 Num. Initial period YYYYMMDD initial period.
028 035 8 Num. End period YYYYMMDD end period.
036 042 7 Num. Sequence Sequential file number. In case of recovery, this data will be sent as 9999999.
043 047 5 Alpha. Acquirer Constant Cielo.
048 049 2 Num. Statement option Table I (attachment)
050 050 1 Alpha. Transmission Cielo.
051 070 20 Alphanum. Inbox Inbox.
071 073 3 Num. Layout version Constant 013.
074 250 177 Alphanum. Cielo use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo

Record 1 - Sales Summary

Group of sales, adjustments, or service charges. It enables the identification of the origin of the entries and the possible maintenance actions.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant 1 - It identifies the type of sales summary record.
002 011 10 Num. Submitting merchant Number of the merchant or branch where the sale was made.
012 018 7 Num. Sales summary number Number of the sales summary. It contains information that refers to a group of sales on a given date.
019 020 2 Num. Installment For installment transactions, it will be formatted with the number of the installment being cleared on the date the file is sent out. For a non installment transaction, it will be left blank.
021 021 1 Alpha Filler "/" - for installment transactions.
"a" - acceleration of installments.
" " - all other cases.
022 023 2 Alphanum. Plan For installment transactions, it will be formatted with the largest number of installments found for that group of sales. If the sales summary contains sales in 3, 4, or 6 installments, it will contain 6. In the case of acceleration of installments, it will be formatted with the largest accelerated installment. Example: (positions 019 to 023)
02A02 it shows acceleration from installment 02 to 02; that is, only one installment.
03A08 it shows acceleration from installment 03 to 08 in the sales plan; that is, 6 installments were accelerated.
For a non installment transaction, it will be left blank.
024 025 2 Num. Transaction type This code identifies the transaction - see Table II.
026 031 6 Num. Date of submission YYMMDD Date on which the Sale was transmitted to Cielo
032 037 6 Num. Scheduled payment date YYMMDD Scheduled payment date. During recovery, it can be updated after the transaction or adjustment is processed.
038 043 6 Num. Date on which it is sent out to the merchant bank account. YYMMDD Date on which the payment file was sent out to the bank. During recovery, it can be updated after the transaction or adjustment is processed.
044 044 1 Alpha Sign for the gross amount. + - identifies a credit amount.
- - identifies a debit amount.
045 057 13 Num. Gross amount (*) Summation of the sales amounts for Merchant/Sales Summary.
058 058 1 Alpha Sign of the administrative fee + - identifies a credit amount.
- - identifies a debit amount.
059 071 13 Num. Amount of the administrative fee (*) Amount of the administrative fee deducted on sales.
072 072 1 Alpha Sign for the amount declined + identifies a credit amount.
- - identifies a debit amount.
073 085 13 Num. Amount declined (*) In the case of declines, it will contain the summation of the transactions declined.
086 086 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount + identifies a credit amount.
- - identifies a debit amount.
087 099 13 Num. Net amount(*) Amount of sales, less the amount for administration fee.
100 103 4 Alphanum. Bank Code of the bank of the merchant bank account.
104 108 5 Alphanum. Agency Code of the agency of the merchant bank account.
109 122 14 Alphanum. Merchant bank account Code of the account of the merchant bank account.
123 124 2 Num. Payment status It identifies the status of the credit sent to the merchant bank account on the date the file was generated - see Table III. In recovery, the status is updated according to the submission and the return of payment confirmation by the bank.
125 130 6 Num. Number of sales accepted Number of sales accepted in the sales summary.
131 132 2 Num. Product Identifier (Disregard) Starting on March 01, 2014, product identifiers are sent in positions 233-235 with three characters.
133 138 6 Num. Number of sales declined Number of sales declined in the sales summary.
139 139 1 Alpha Resale/acceleration identifier It identifies the maintenance actions conducted for installment transactions made by merchant:
R - Resale
A - Acceleration
"" - Blank (no occurrence).
140 145 6 Num. Date on which the transaction was captured YYMMDD - Date on which the transaction was captured in financial schedule. During recovery, it can be updated after the transaction or adjustment is processed.
146 147 2 Alphanum. Origin of adjustment It identifies the type of adjustment - Table V. Completed for the following transactions:
02 Credit adjustment
03 Debit adjustment
04 Cielo Plan
148 160 13 Num. Complementary amount Amount withdrawn when product is 36 or amount of Agro Electron for transactions of products 22 23 or 25 presented in Table IV.
161 161 1 Alpha Financial product identifier Prepayment identifier of the sales summary: " " Prepayment didn’t happen; "A" Prepayment with Cielo or Alelo; "C"Assignment of Receivables with merchant bank.
162 170 9 Num. Number of the financial operation It identifies the number of the financial operation presented in record type 5 from field 12 to 20, associated with the prepayment sales summary/assigned at Cielo/Alelo or at the bank. It will contain zeros if the sales summary has not happen a prepayment.
171 171 1 Alpha Sign for the prepayment gross amount + identifies a credit amount. - - identifies a debit amount.
172 184 13 Num. Prepayment gross amount (*) Prepayment gross amount, provided when happens a prepayment operation. It will contain zero when happen a prepayment operation.
185 187 3 Num. Card brand code Card Brand Code - see Table VI.
188 209 22 Num. Exclusive number of the sales summary Exclusive identification number of the sales summary, formatted as follows:
First part (fixed) - 15 fixed digits: it identifies the summary, maintaining its history at Cielo;
Second part (variable) - 07 variable digits: It identifies the changes made in the sales summary
210 213 4 Num. Administration fee (*) Percentage of administration fee applied to the amount of the transaction.
214 218 5 Num. Fee (*) Fee charged per transaction.
219 222 4 Num. Guarantee fee(*) Percentage of discount applied to Electron post-dated transactions.
223 224 2 Num. Capture method See Table VII. If the sale is reprocessed for any reason, the system will send out capture method 06: Manual Capture Method; in this case, disregard the amount provided in the logical number of the terminal.
225 232 8 Alphanum. Logical number of the terminal Logical number of the terminal in which the sale was made. If the capture number is 06, disregard the logical number of the terminal, since it will be a number used internally by Cielo.
233 235 3 Num. Product code Code that identifies the product - see Table IV.
236 245 10 Num. Payment matrix Establishing payment matrix.
246 246 1 Alpha Resend of payment S - Identifies that this summary is being forwarded in the statement. Disregard payment previously submitted. N - Does not refer to resend of payment.
247 247 1 Alpha Concept applied Identifies the concept applied in the summary presented:
" " - Old
"N" - New
248 249 2 Alphanum. Group of cards ”” - Whites. Service not assigned
01 - Card issued in Brazil
02 - Card issued abroad
03 - MDR by card type - Initial
04 - MDR by card type - Intermediary
05 - MDR by card type - Higher
250 250 1 Alphanum. Cielo use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo.

Record 2 - Detailed Sales

Sales or adjustments of sale summary available in the sales or payment file. Pursuant to the security rules, all records containing a card number will show it truncated.

093 098 6 Alphanum. NSU/DOC Sequential number, also known as DOC (document number), generated at the PDV or POS, which identifies the transaction on the day it was made. This number is not unique and can be repeated. If the sale has been reprocessed, the NSU can be changed.
099 111 13 Num. Complementary amount (*) Amount withdrawn using the Debit or Agro Electron card, according to the product indicator of the sales summary.
112 113 2 Num. Dig - Card Number of digits on the card.
114 126 13 Num. Total amount of sale The total amount of the installment transaction.
127 139 13 Num. Amount of next installment The amount of the next installments.
140 148 9 Alphanum. Invoice Number Invoice number for merchants that capture this information in the POS. If not available, it will be left blank.
149 150 2 Alphanum. Card type Card type code see table XI.
151 152 2 Alphanum. Group of cards Group of cards code see table X.
153 160 8 Alphanum. Logical number of the terminal Logical number of the terminal in which the sale was made. When the capture method is 06, disregard this information.
161 162 2 Alpha. Boarding fee or entrance fee indicator Identification of the transaction referring to the boarding fee or entrance fee:
TX - Boarding fee;
VE - Entrance fee;
Blanks for all other types of transactions.
163 182 20 Alphanum. Order reference/code Reference or code of the order provided in a electronic commerce transaction.
If not available, it will be left blank
183 188 6 Num. Transaction time Time of the transaction, presented in HHMMSS format.
This information will only be generated in the sales records of the sale file with the original detailed sales.
For all other cases, this field will contain zeroes
189 217 29 Num. Exclusive transaction number Exclusive number that identifies each transaction.
218 218 1 Alpha. Cielo Promo Indicator Identifier for the Cielo Promo Product = “S” . It indicates that the sale is part of a campaign in the Promotions Platform. Otherwise, it will be left blank
219 220 2 Num. Entry mode Card entry mode. See table IX.
221 235 15 Alphanum. Sale code Identifies the sale code. (only new concept).
236 250 15 Alphanum. Internal Adjustment Code Identifies the grouping code of the settings. (only new concept).

Record 5 - Prepayment Operation

It displays the prepayment conducted at Cielo / Alelo or assignment of receivables (only for the Bradesco) on the day that precedes the generation of the file.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant “5” It identifies the type of record that displays information on a prepayment operation.
002 011 10 Num. Establishment of payment or submission Number of the merchant or branch where the sale was made.
012 020 9 Num. Number of the financial operation Number of the financial operation, also displayed in record type 1, on the date the sales summary is settled.
021 028 8 Num. Date of credit of the operation YYYYMMDD Payment date of the operation.
029 029 1 Alpha Sign for the gross amount of credit transactions "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
030 042 13 Num. Gross amount Gross amount of the credit transactions schedule. The gross amount corresponds to the sum of the original net amounts of the sales summary in this schedule.
043 043 1 Alpha Sign for the gross amount of installment transactions. "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
044 056 13 Num. Gross amount of installment transactions Gross amount of the installment transactions schedule. The amount corresponds to the sum of the original net amounts of the sales summary in this schedule.
057 057 1 Alpha Sign for the gross amount of Post Dated Electron Transactions "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
058 070 13 Num. Gross amount of Post-Dated Electron transactions Gross amount of the Post-Dated Electron transactions schedule. The gross amount corresponds to the sum of the original net amounts of the sales summary in this schedule.
071 071 1 Alpha Sign for the gross amount of the prepayment "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
072 084 13 Num. Gross amount of the prepayment Gross amount of the credit transactions schedules, installment, and PostDated Electron transactions. The gross amount corresponds to the sum of the original net amounts of the sales summary.
085 085 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount of the credit transactions "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
086 098 13 Num. Net amount of the of credit transactions Net amount of the sight transactions schedule.
099 099 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount of installment transactions "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
100 112 13 Num. Net amount of installment transactions Net amount of the installment transactions.
113 113 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount of Post-Dated transactions "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
114 126 13 Num. Net amount of Post-Dated transactions Net amount of the Post-Dated Electron transactions schedule.
127 127 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount of the prepayment "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
128 140 13 Num. Net amount of the prepayment Net amount of the credit, installment, and Post-Dated Electron transactions schedule.
141 145 5 Num. Discount rate of the prepayment (*) Prepayment commercial discount.
146 149 4 Alphanum. Code of the merchant bank account Merchant bank account.
150 154 5 Alphanum. Code of the preferred branch Branch in which the amounts are settled.
155 168 14 Alphanum. Code of the preferred account Account in which the amounts are settled.
169 169 1 Alpha Sign for the net amount of the total prepayment "+" - identifies a credit amount.
"-" - identifies a debit amount.
170 182 13 Num. Net amount of the total prepayment Net amount of the total prepayment referring to the amounts.
183 191 9 Num. Fee Fee charged per operation. If there is no charge for the field will be filled in blank
192 250 59 Alphanum. Cielo Use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo.

(*) Only 3 decimal places should be considered, with no commas, periods, or any other characters.

Record 6 - Assignment Sales Summary

It displays the sales summary of prepayment or assigned of receivables.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing  
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant 6 It identifies the type of record that displays the information on an sales summary that happened a prepayment/assigned.  
002 011 10 Num. Submitting merchant Number of the merchant and/or branch where the sale was made.  
012 020 9 Num. Number of the operation Number of the operation.  
021 028 8 Num. Due date of the sales summary YYYYMMDD Original due date of the sales summary.  
029 035 7 Num. Number of the sales summary Number of the sales summary.  
036 037 2 Num. Prepayment/assigned installment Number of the installment for the sales summary of installment transactions; for sales summary of at sight transactions, it will contain zeroes.  
038 039 2 Num. Total number of installments Number of installments in the sales summary. For sales summary of at credit sales, it will contain zeroes.  
040 040 1 Alpha Sign for the original gross amount of the sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount. "-" - identifies a debit amount.  
041 053 13 Num. Original gross amount of the sales summary (*) Original gross amount of the sales summary.  
054 054 1 Alpha Sign for the original net amount of the sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount. "-" - identifies a debit amount.  
055 067 13 Num. Original net amount of the sales summary (*) Original net amount of the sales summary.  
068 068 1 Num. Sign for the gross amount of the prepayment/assigned of the sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount. "-" - identifies a debit amount.  
069 081 13 Num. Gross amount of the assigned of the sales summary(*) Original net amount of the sales summary, except for eventual debits.  
082 082 1 Alpha Sign for the prepayment net amount of the sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount. "-" - identifies a debit amount.  
083 095 13 Num. Prepayment net amount of the sales summary (*) Net amount effectively paid to the merchant, less the prepayment discount rate.  
096 098 3 Num. Card brand code Card brand code - table VI.  
099 120 22 Num. Exclusive number of the sales summary Exclusive identification number of the sales summary, formatted as follows:
First part (fixed) - 15 fixed digits: it identifies the summary, maintaining its history at Cielo;
Second part (variable) - 07 variable digits: Cielo Use. It identifies the changes made in the sales summary.
121 121 1 Alphanum. Prepayment adjustment sales summary identifier “S” - Consider prepayment adjustment.
Field filled only when adjustment sales summary are effectively anticipated. (only new concept).
122 250 130 Alphanum. Cielo use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo.  

Record 7 - Withheld Prepayment by Debits - Sales Summary

It displays the withheld prepayment by debits.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing              
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant “7” It identifies the type of record that displays the information on an prepayment sales summary.              
002 011 10 Num. Submitting merchant Number of the merchant and/or branch where the sale was made.              
012 033 22 Num. Exclusive number of the original sales summary of the sale Exclusive number of the original sales summary of the sale              
034 040 7 Num. Number of the sales summary Number of the sales summary of the original sale              
041 048 8 Num. Payment date of the sales summary YYYYMMDD Payment date of the sales summary              
049 049 1 AlphaSign for the amount of the sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount."-" - identifies a debit amount.                
050 062 13 Num. Amount of the sales summary Amount of the sales summary.              
063 084 22 Num. Exclusive number of the sales summary of the sale that has originated the adjustment Exclusive number of the sales summary of the sale that has originated the adjustment.   085 091 7 Num. Number of the sales summary of the debit adjustment Number of the sales summary that displays the prepayment amounts withheld.
092 099 8 Num. Payment date of the adjustment YYYYMMDD.              
100 100 1 Alpha Sign for the amount of the debit adjustment "+" - identifies a credit amount."-" - identifies a debit amount.              
101 113 13 Num. Amount of the debit adjustment Total amount of the debit.              
114 114 1 Alpha Sign for the amount withheld "+" - identifies a credit amount."-" - identifies a debit amount.              
115 127 13 Num. Amount withheld Amount withheld for the prepayment sales summary.              
128 128 1 Alpha Sign for the balance of the prepayment sales summary "+" - identifies a credit amount."-" - identifies a debit amount.              
129 141 13 Num. Amount of the balance of the prepayment sales summary Result of the total debit amount withheld              
142 250 109 Alphanum. Cielo use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo              

Record 9 - Trailer

It indicates the end of the file.

Start End Size Type Description Data Editing
001 001 1 Num. Record type Constant “9” It identifies the type of trailer record (end of file).
002 012 11 Num. Total number of records Total number of records that do not include header and trailer.
013 013 1 Alpha Sign for amount of the sum of detailed sales "+" - identifies a credit amount. "-" - identifies a debit amount.
014 030 17 Num. Amount of the sum of detailed sales Amount of the sum of detailed sales
031 041 11 Num. Total amount of detailed sales Total amount of detailed sales
042 250 209 Alphanum. Cielo use Unwritten. Reserved for Cielo

Note: The fields reserved for Cielo may be used to include new information. It may also be necessary to include new types of records. Therefore, we suggest that the reconciliation solution should disregard the records that are not listed in this specification.


Table I - File Types

Type Table Code Description
SELL 03 Sales with Installment Plan
PAYMENT 04 Payments
ANTECIPATION_CIELO 06 Anticipation of Cielo Receivables
ASSIGNMENT 07 Assignment of Receivables
BALANCE 09 Outstanding balance
ANTECIPATION_ALELO 10 Prepayment of Receivables Alelo

Table II - Type Of Statement

Code Description
03 Detailed Sales with Future Installments
04 Detailed Payments
06 Detailed Prepayment Cielo
07 Assignment of Receivables
09 Remaining Balance
10 Detailed Prepayment Alelo

Table III - Transaction Type

Code Description
01 Sale
02 Credit Adjustment
03 Debit Adjustment
04 Cielo Plan
05 Rescheduling

Table IV - Payment Status

Code Description
00 **Scheduled: It identifies the capture of an entry and provides the date scheduled for payment of the entry. The date scheduled can be changed.
01 Paid: It identifies that payment has been made by the merchant bank on the date provided.
02 Sent to the bank: It identifies that the payment order has been sent by Cielo to the merchant bank and that payment has not been confirmed.
03 To be confirmed: It identifies that the payment order has been sent by Cielo to the merchant bank and that payment has not been confirmed.

When a credit amount is being offset against a debit amount, both will be sent in the payment file, on the offsetting date subsequent to the scheduled payment date. The status to the may appear again in the payment statement, when the merchant bank returns a credit transfer (resend of payment).

Table V - Product Code

001 Agiplan credit
002 Agiplan installment transaction
003 Banescard credit
004 Banescard installment transaction
005 Esplanada credit
006 Credz credit
007 Esplanada installment transaction
008 Credz installment transaction
009 Elo “Crédiario”
010 Mastercard credit
011 Maestro “debit”
012 Mastercard installment transaction
013 Elo Construcard
014 Elo Agro Debit
015 Elo Agro Costing
016 Elo Agro Investment
017 Elo Agro Costing with Debit
018 Elo Agro Investment with Debit
019 Discover credit
020 Diners credit
021 Diners installment transaction
022 Visa Agro Costing with Debit
023 Visa Agro Investment with Debit
024 FCO Investment
025 Agro Electron
026 Agro Costing
027 Agro Investment
028 Visa FCO Working Capital
029 Visa crediário in credit
030 Visa Installment “Cliente”
033 Pré-pago Visa Crédito
033 Pré-pago Visa Débito
035 Pré-pago Visa Carnê
036 Withdrawal using VISA Debit card
037 Flex Car Visa Vale
038 Credsystem credit
039 Credsystem installment transaction
040 Visa credit
041 Visa Electron “Debit”
042 Visa Toll “Pedágio”
043 Visa installment transaction
044 Visa Electron Post-Dated
045 Alelo Meal
046 Alelo Food
058 Alelo Multibenefícios
059 Alelo Auto
060 Sorocred debit
061 Sorocred credit
062 Sorocred installment transaction
064 Visa “Crediário”
065 Alelo Meal
066 Alelo Food
067 Visa Working Capital
068 Visa Property Finance
069 Alelo Cultura
070 Elo credit
071 Elo debit
072 Elo installment transaction
073 Pré-pago Visa Cash(Visa Vale Pedágio)
079 Visa Payment Carnet “Carnê”
080 Visa Credit Currency Converter
081 Mastercard Specialized Credit (_)
082 Amex credit
083 Amex installment transaction
084 Amex installment bank
089 Elo Property Finance
091 Elo Specialized Credit (_)
094 Banescard Debit
096 Cabal credit
097 Cabal debit
098 Cabal installment transaction
107 Pré-pago Master Carnê
110 Pré-pago Master Crédito
111 Pré-pago Master Débito
161 Hiper credit
162 Hiper debit
163 Hiper installment transaction
164 Hipercard credit
165 Hipercard installment transaction
200 Verdecard credit
201 Verdecard installment transaction
202 Nutricash Meal
203 Nutricash Food
204 Nutricash Multibenefícios
205 Nutricash Fuel
206 Ben Meal
207 Ben Food
269 Pré-pago Elo Carnê
270 Pré-pago Elo Crédito
271 Pré-pago Elo Débito
282 Prepaid Amex Credit
314 Ourocard Agro Debit
315 Ourocard Agro Costing
316 Ourocard Agro Investment
317 Ourocard Agro Costing with Debit
318 Ourocard Agro Investment with Debit
321 Mastercard crediário in credit
322 Mastercard installment Cliente
324 Elo installment Cliente
330 Elo crediário in credit
342 Mastercard Toll Pedágio
377 Elo Payment Carnet “Carnê”
378 Mastercard Carnê
380 Mastercard Credit Currency Converter
433 JCB installment transaction

Table VI - Origin Of Adjustment

Code Description Type of Adjustment  
01 Adjustment concerning monetary restatement Hit  
02 Adjustment to payment date Hit  
03 Adjustment to commission fee Hit  
04 Adjustment to unprocessed amounts Hit  
05 Adjustment to amounts not received Hit  
06 Adjustment to amounts not recognized Hit  
07 Adjustment to amounts negotiated Hit  
08 Adjustment to improperly processed amounts Hit  
09 Adjustment to entry not offset in checking account Hit  
10 Adjustment referring to disputed amounts Hit / Chargeback  
12 Miscellaneous adjustments Hit  
13 Collection settlement Hit  
14 Legal settlement Hit  
15 Fine flag program Hit / Chargeback  
16 Amount frozen by court order Block  
17 Refund Refund  
18 Collection of operational fee Collection  
19 Farol Hit / Collection  
20 Charges Cielo Plan Collection 21 Escrow agreement Hit  
22 Credit concerning the return of the refund issuing bank Hit / Refund  
23 EC Credit - referring to claim filed by the cardholder Hit / Chargeback  
24 Credit for declined refund Cielo Hit / Chargeback  
25 Processing of double debit - Visa Toll Pedágio Hit  
26 Debit for sale made without reading the card chip Hit  
27 Debit for sale declined in the system Cielo Hit  
28 Consumer does not recognize the purchase Hit / Chargeback  
29 Reversal due to legal settlement Hit  
30 Reversal of escrow agreement Hit  
31 Reversal due to collection settlement Hit  
32 Reversal of amount frozen by court order Hit  
33 Reversal of cancelled sale Hit  
34 Reversal of operational fee charged Hit  
35 Reversal of monthly charges Lynx Comércio Hit  
36 Reversal of Cielo Plan charges Hit  
37 Reversal of debit for sale made without reading card chip Hit  
38 Reversal of commercial incentive Hit  
39 Reversal of fine for Chargeback Monitoring Program Hit / Chargeback  
40 Reversal of Prepayment decline Hit  
41 Reversal of reversal of double payment Prepayment Hit  
42 Reversal of registration fee Hit  
43 Reversal of hard copy of statement Hit  
44 Reversal of double processing of debit Visa Toll Pedágio Hit  
45 Commercial incentive Hit  
46 Incentive for top-up sale Hit  
47 Regularization of Prepayment decline Hit  
48 Reversal of double payment Prepayment Hit  
49 Registration fee Collection  
50 Fee for hard copy of statement Collection  
51 Acceleration of prepayment debit Hit  
52 Breach of contract Hit / Chargeback  
53 Recurring sale canceled by the consumer Hit / Chargeback  
54 Consumer does not recognize the purchase Hit / Chargeback  
55 Card expired Hit / Chargeback  
57 Merchandise defective or different from description Hit / Chargeback  
58 Irregular transaction Hit / Chargeback  
59 Merchandise not delivered Hit / Chargeback  
60 Services not provided Hit / Chargeback  
61 Sale without authorization code Hit / Chargeback  
62 Invalid card number Hit / Chargeback  
63 Copy of invalid document / voucher Hit / Chargeback  
65 Unreadable document Hit / Chargeback  
66 Sale without chip reading Hit / Chargeback  
67 Sale in another currency Hit / Chargeback  
68 Sale Processed Incorrectly   Hit / Chargeback
69 Sale canceled Hit / Chargeback  
70 Credit in duplicity Hit / Chargeback  
71 Documents not received Hit / Chargeback  
72 Payment made by other means Hit / Chargeback  
73 Equipment lost/stolen Hit/Collection  
77 Too much chargeback penalty Hit / Chargeback  
78 Score Services Collection  
79 Rescheduling of prepayment debit Hit  
80 Adjustment to assignment debit Hit  
81 Cielo e-Commerce Hit/Collection  
85 Cielo Controle (Excess) Hit/Collection  
86 Cielo Controle (Frank) Hit/Collection  
93 Meliuz Hit/Collection  

Table VII - Card Brand

Code Description
001 VISA
002 Mastercard
003 Amex
006 Sorocred
007 ELO
009 Diners
011 Agiplan
015 Banescard
023 Cabal
029 Credsystem
035 Esplanada
040 Hipercard
060 JCB
064 Credz
072 Hiper
075 Ourocard

Table VIII - Capture Method

Code Description
00 LIO
01 POS (Point of Sale)
02 PDV (Point of Sale) or TEF (Electronic Transfer of Funds)
03 e-Commerce (Electronic commerce)
04 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
05 ADP/BSP (Capturing Company) or Reprocessing
06 Manual
08 Mobile
09 Online electronic purse
99 Not identified

Table IX - Reason For Decline

Code Description
002 Invalid Card
023 Other Errors
024 Invalid card type
031 Withdrawal transaction using an Electron card without funds
039 Invalid issuing bank
044 Invalid transaction date
045 Invalid authorization code
055 Invalid number of installments
056 Transaction financed for unauthorized merchant
057 Card listed in alert bulletin
061 Invalid card number
066 Unauthorized transaction
067 Unauthorized transaction
069 Unauthorized transaction
070 Unauthorized transaction
071 Unauthorized transaction
072 Unauthorized transaction
073 Invalid transaction
074 Invalid transaction amount
075 Invalid card number
077 Unauthorized transaction
078 Unauthorized transaction
079 Unauthorized transaction
080 Unauthorized transaction
081 Expired card
082 Unauthorized transaction
083 Unauthorized transaction 084 Unauthorized transaction 086 Unauthorized transaction
091 Unauthorized transaction
092 Expired card
093 Imbalance in the installment plan
094 Installment transaction made for a card issued abroad
097 Installment amount below minimum
099 Invalid issuing bank
100 Unauthorized transaction
101 Double transaction
102 Double transaction
124 BIN not registered
126 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
128 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
129 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
130 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
133 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
134 Invalid withdrawal transaction using an Electron card
140 Non-ecommerce establishment
141 Travel card - Invalid transaction
143 Sale in dollar invalid
145 Merchant invalid for distribution
147 Issued installment not enabled
150 Non-Financial Establishment

Table X - Entry Mode

Code Description
00 Manual re-entry
01 Typed
02 Magnetic track
03 Bar code
04 OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
05 Online chip
06 Track
07 Contactless
81 Typed
90 Track
91 Contactless imitating stripe
95 Offline chip
99 Tap on Phone

Table XI - Group Of Cards

Code Description
00 Service not assigned
01 Card issued in Brazil
02 Card issued abroad
03 MDR by card type - Initial
04 MDR by card type - Intermediary
05 MDR by card type - Higher

Table XII - Card Type

Code Description
00 Service not assigned
01 Visa Classic
02 Visa Empresarial
03 Visa Gold
04 Visa Platinum
05 Visa Infinite
06 Visa Corporate
07 Visa Electron
08 Visa Compras
09 Master Platinum
10 Master Standard
11 Master Gold
12 Master Pré-Pago
13 Master Black
14 Master Corporativo
15 Master Cartão Viagem
16 Master Cartão Benefício
17 Master World
18 Master Agro
19 Elo Bndes
20 Elo Classic
21 Elo Empresarial
22 Elo Insumos
23 Elo Corporativo
24 Elo Mais
25 Elo Grafite
26 Elo Nanquim
27 Elo Pré Pagos Geral / Gift Card
28 Elo Vale Cultura
29 Elo Nacional PJ Empresarial
30 Elo Compras
31 Elo Viagem
32 Elo Premiação Inc de Vendas PJ

File Transmission and Resending

In order to receive the Electronic Statement, the client must contact the EDI Service and complete the service acquisition form. The files will be made available in the Inbox daily, except for the remaining balance file, which will be sent monthly. In the absence of transactions, the file sent will contain only the and the . In the case of any inconsistency in the transmission of the file(s), the client should inform Cielo, contacting the EDI Service (

File Resending

In case of loss of the file or not receiving, the Cielo will make available in the Inbox the same file sent daily (backup file). The client may contact EDI Service to request resending of the file.

File Recovery

Financial Concepts/Glossary

Adjustment: debit or credit entry made by Cielo in order to settle undue charges, to refund a sale, or issue a reversal to the merchant.

Change in Installment Plan: it occurs when the cardholder requests the client to modify the original installment plan, such as the total or partial sale refund and the change in the number or amount of the installments.

Prepayment: service offered by Cielo or Alelo to clients that wish to prepayment their credit and installment transactions.

Chain Centralized Payment: is a group of customers with the same CNPJ root, rules locks and anticipation, bank address and the same commercial terms and commission term. A chain has only one matrix, chosen by the customer, where are registered all products and rates applied in the branches.

Assignment of Receivables: operation concerning the assignment of receivables, conducted at the merchant bank account, only available for Bradesco.

Chargeback: refund, made by the issuer bank, of a transaction disputed or challenged by the cardholder.

Assignment: advance payment operation carried out with Cielo or with the market. Counterpart records of operations carried out with the market within the sales files depend on the financier sending data to Cielo in a timely manner. Transactions sent late will not be demonstrated in the sales files, being necessary to request the reprocessing of the extracts to the service channels.

Date of Sale: day on which the sale was made by the Cielo client. For clients that operate using e-commerce solutions, this is the date on which the cardholder made a purchase on the website and not the date on which the sale was confirmed by the Cielo client.

Date of Submission: day on which the sale was submitted to Cielo for processing, which may be Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. This is the reference date used in the calculation of the payment schedule and may differ from the date of sale, depending on the capture solution used.

Date of Capture: date on which the transaction was captured in the Cielo system. For Cielo clients that operate using ecommerce solutions, this is the date on which the transaction was confirmed by the client.

Date of Submission to the Bank: date on which the (credit or debit) payment file was submitted to the bank.

Payment Date: date on which payment is effectively credited to the bank account, considering the payment period agreed upon. If the date calculated is not a business day, payment will be made on the next business day. Initially, once the sale is captured, the scheduled payment date is provided; however, it may be postponed if the amount is used to offset any debit concerning the sale refund, reversal, or service charges. Payment may also be made in advance, if the client conducts a prepayment operation.

Chain of Electronic Statement: register that allows the inclusion of all establishments controlled by the customer, regardless of the type of payment (centralized, decentralized, individual).

Encumbrance: credit operation in the guarantee model carried out with a financing agent. It does not entail the anticipation of the date of payment of the amounts, only the exchange of ownership of the recipient.

Exclusive Transaction Number: it is assigned by Cielo and exclusively identifies each transaction, enabling the reconciliation of the adjustments, prepayment operations, and assignment of receivables conducted in the sales summary and in the detailed sales through this key. To this end, the reconciliation solution should only consider the fixed parts of the exclusive number, according to the following composition.

Parts Composition
1 15 fixed digits that exclusively identify the sales summary, maintaining the history of maintenance actions conducted at Cielo.
2 7 variable digits. They identify the changes made in the sales summary.
3 4 fixed digits that identify the detailed sales in an sales summary, maintaining its history at Cielo.
4 3 variable digits. They identify the changes made in the detailed sales.

Merchant Installment Transaction - Period: in the sales file with the option for future installments, all installments will be sent with the original presentation date. However, the payment file will display the clearance date of the respective installment. The payment date of all installments is calculated based on the date on which the first installment was submitted, and its logic differs for each card brand, as shown below:

VISA, ELO, DINERS and other brands: the installments will be cleared monthly on the same day as the 1st installment, regardless of whether or not it is a business day. In this way, a sale in four installments submitted on 01/10/2015 will have the following clearance plan (payment term: 30 days):

Parts Date of Submission (MM/DD/YYYY) Deposit Date (portion release) Payment Date
01/04 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 02/09/2015
02/04 01/10/2015 02/10/2015 03/12/2015
03/04 01/10/2015 03/10/2015 04/09/2015
04/04 01/10/2015 04/10/2015 05/11/2015

The only exception to the rule above occurs whenever a date does not exist in the month in which the installment is cleared. For example: a sale whose 1st installment was presented on January 31, 2015. Since February 31 does not exist, the installment for this month will be submitted on the last day of the month; that is, on February 28, 2015.

MASTERCARD: the date of submission of the 1st installment will be used as the reference date for clearance of all installments in the plan; however, the date of the future installments will always fall 30 days after the submission of the first installment, a logic that will be maintained until the end of the plan. In the example of the sale submitted on January 10, 2014 used previously, notice that the installments are cleared 30, 60, and 90 days after submission of the first installment (payment term: 30 days):

Parts Date of Submission (MM/DD/YYYY) Deposit Date (portion release) Payment Date
01/04 01/10/2015 01/10/2015 02/09/2015
02/04 01/10/2015 02/09/2015 03/11/2015
03/04 01/10/2015 03/11/2015 04/10/2015
04/04 01/10/2015 04/10/2015 05/11/2015

Declined Transaction: it occurs whenever the client or the sale does not match the attributes required for the proper processing and scheduling of payment data. Resale: it occurs whenever a change is made to the payment plan of an installment transaction, whether in relation to the number of installments or to the total amount of the transaction. Capture Solution: device and/or processing software (POS, PDV, E-commerce, mobile payment, EDI, etc.) that connects to the Cielo network to authorize and capture transactions.

Sales Summary: identifies a sales group on a certain date. It has 7 positions and will be formatted as follows.

Digit Description Data Editing
1 Product type 0 - at sight credit
3 - installment transaction made by issuer bank
4 - merchant installment transaction
5 - debit card
6 - post-dated electron
2 and 3 Year in which the transaction was made YY
4 and 5 Month in which the transaction was made MM
6 and 7 Day on which the transaction was made DD

Remaining Balance: it comprises all releases to receive from Cielo. They should be considered Cielo payments not made in the past due to refund and chargeback.

Types of registration: with registration by the Commercial Group, which uses the CNPJ root, all new merchants from the root are automatically included in the electronic statement, avoiding the loss of information.

Electronic Extract Levels