Improvements in Electronic Statement v15.10

Implementation date: 10/24/2024



Test Files v15.10

Adjustment tables V15.10

Improvements to Electronic Statement v15.11.1

Important: This new field is a new field for reconciliation, it does not indicate that your rate has changed.

Implementation date: 01/28/2025



Test Files v15.11


This API makes possible to register groups and maintain their registration to receive Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) files


The Electronic Statement is a service provided by Cielo to merchants that need an automatic in the reconciliation process. Through it, information is transmitted in a standardized manner, with no manual intervention via SFG channel (sterling file gateway), enabling agile and secure traffic of information/data. The macro flow of the service is as follows:


Consent Flow

Step 1 - Login

1 - The partner redirects the client to {cielo-login-url}.
2 - The customer enters with their credentials and clicks on ‘Login’.
3 - Cielo shows the authorization terms and the customer approves this access by clicking on ‘Allow Access. 4 - Cielo redirects the customer to the partner again at {partner-call-back-url}`.

Login and Access Grant

What is cielo-login-url?


What is partner-callback-url?


Step 2 - Requesting an Access Token


POST {cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token

Key Value
Authorization Basic Base64(client_id do parceiro concatenado com “:” e o client_secret codificado em base64)

curl --location --request POST 'https://{cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token' \
--header 'Basic Base64'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
    "code": "{}"


"access_token": "{access_token}",
"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}",
"token_type": "access_token",
"expires_in": {expiration_time}

Property Description
access_token The access_token to call Cielo’s APIs.
refresh_token When the access_token expires, the partner can request a new access_token using this refresh_token.
expiration_time O tempo de expiração do access_token em milisgundos.


Step 3 - Requesting the APIs

At this point, the partner will be able to call Cielo’s APIs without the need for customer approval, as this has already been granted.

The only requirement to call Cielo’s APIs is to send the following HTTP header: ** Authorization: Bearer {access_token} ** In all calls to the APIs.

Step 3.1 - Updating an Access Token

  1. The partner calls the service refresh_token.
  2. Cielo returns a new access_token, a new refresh_token and a new expiration_time.

The response data will be the same as in step 2 when the partner requests an acess_token, however all data returned is new and needs to be stored in place of the old ones.


curl --location --request POST 'https://{cielo-api-base-url}/consent/v1/oauth/access-token' \
--header 'Basic Base64'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
    "refresh_token": "{}"

A point of attention in the request because now the partner needs to send grant_type as refresh_token and in the refresh_token field a valid refresh_token should be sent (and no longer an access_token).


"access_token": "{access_token}",
"refresh_token": "{refresh_token}",
"token_type": "access_token",
"expires_in": {expiration_time}

Property Description
access_token The access_token to call Cielo’s APIs.
refresh_token When the access_token expires, the partner can request a new access_token using this refresh_token.
expiration_time O tempo de expiração do access_token em milisgundos.


If an error occurs on the Cielo side, the customer will be redirected to the partner’s call-back URL with the error parameter in the URL, for example https: // {partner-callback-url}? Error = {error}.

Possible values for {error}:

Optionally, another parameter error_description can be returned with a detail of the error, just plain text.



Environment URL
Sandbox https://api2.cielo.com.br/sandbox/edi-api/v2/
Homologation https://apihom-cielo.sensedia.com/edi-api/v2/


We make the Collections used to perform all API operations available. You only need to configure the URL and credentials.

Collections Download


POST Register Merchant ID

Register Merchant ID (just one, a list or all), based on a Entity Number.


POST /edi/registers


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "mainMerchantId": "9999111222",
  "merchants": [
  "merchantEMail": "customer@customer.com",
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      


  "legalEntityNumber": 1234567890,
  "mainMerchantId": 2008983,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [
  "status": "PROCESSING"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

GET Retrieve status

Retrieve the EDI registration status.


GET /edi/registers/{registerID}


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "status": "PROCESSING"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

GET Consult Register Merchant ID

Consult Merchant ID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.


GET /edi


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token
registerID Registration ID provided by /edi/registers when registering. Can be used in place of mainMerchantID if preferred (only one needs to be informed).
mainMerchantID Main Customer ID. The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company. Can be used instead of registerID mainly in cases of registration not performed by /edi/registers.

  "legalEntityNumer": "12314314",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [
  "acknowledge": "COMPLETED"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      

PUT Update Register Merchant ID

Update Merchant ID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.


PUT /edi


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "registerID": "string",
  "mainMerchantId": "9999222333",
  "merchants": [
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      


  "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "merchants": [
  "type": [

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    
merchants List representing the merchant codes registered. Example: List [ “9999111111”, “9999111333” ]      
type List representing TO BE state of conciliation file type. At least one of these files are required: SELL, PAYMENT, ANTECIPATION_CIELO      

DELETE Delete Register Merchant ID

Delete MerchantID based on a Register ID or a Main Merchant ID.




Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token
registerID Registration ID provided by /edi/registers when registering. Can be used in place of mainMerchantID if preferred (only one needs to be informed).
mainMerchantID Main Customer ID. The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company. Can be used instead of registerID mainly in cases of registration not performed by /edi/registers.

  "legalEntityNumer": "12314314",
  "mainMerchantId": 9999111222,
  "registerID": 12345,
  "acknowledge": "COMPLETED"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
mainMerchantId The most usual way to retrieve an EDI register in the company String    
registerID The same one provided by /edi/registers. String    

GET List of branches

Performs the list of customers below the informed access_token. The filter can be used to list only those available or unavailable. Unavailable means that the branch already participates in another register. In the register and editing services, there is validation to allow only those available to be informed.


GET /edi/merchantgroup


Key Value
Authorization Bearer + access_token

  "legalEntityNumber": "string",
  "branches": [
      "merchantID": "9999111222",
      "legalEntityNumber": "01234567890",
      "businessName": "V",
      "status": "UNAVAILABLE"

Property Description Type Size Required
legalEntityNumber Brazilian entity number. CPF por person and CNPJ for legal person String    
branches List of branches      
businessName Legal business name      
status Branch is available ou unavailable      

File Transmission and Resending

In order to receive the Electronic Statement, the client must contact the EDI Service and complete the service acquisition form. The files will be made available in the Inbox daily, except for the remaining balance file, which will be sent monthly. In the absence of transactions, the file sent will contain only the and the . In the case of any inconsistency in the transmission of the file(s), the client should inform Cielo, contacting the EDI Service (edi@cielo.com.br).

File Resending

In case of loss of the file or not receiving, the Cielo will make available in the Inbox the same file sent daily (backup file). The client may contact EDI Service to request resending of the file.

File Recovery