Split Payments


Split Payments enables transaction division of a transaction between different participants of a sale.

Frequently used on Marketplaces, where the cart is composed of products from different suppliers, and the total amount of the sale must be shared.

Participants Description
Marketplace Responsible for the cart.
Has agreement with Subordinates, that supply cart products.
Establish the rates to be discounted on the sale of each Subordinate.
It may participate in a sale providing its products.
Subordinate It is the supplier of products in the cart.
Receives part of the amount of the sale, less the rates agreed with the Marketplace.
Cielo Responsible for the transaction flow.
Establishes the rates discounted on the total amount of the sale.
Is in charge of settling payments to Subordinates and Marketplace.

The Marketplace integrates with Cielo, informing the transaction and how it should split between the participants. This split can happen at the moment of capture or later (known as post transactional split), as long as it happens within a pre-established time limit.

Once the transaction has captured, Cielo computes and pays the amount intended to each participant, within the established time limit for each product (payment scheme*).

Payment Scheme: Settlement time-limit according to product (credit or debit) and brand.
> Credit: First installment in up to 31 days, remaining installments in each 30 days
> Debit: In up to 2 business days.

To be able to use Split Payments, the Marketplace and its Subordinates must enroll at Cielo. After this process, both Marketplace and its Subordinates will have a unique identifier, known as MerchantId (MID) and must be used on transaction split requests.

Must be provided on the transaction split request:

The Marketplace can also be a participant on transaction split. Informing the Marketplace ID gives it the role of Subordinate. It may happen when the Marketplace has its products on cart.


The rates are established between the participants. It may be a MDR(%) and/or a Fixed Fee(BRL) and must be defined during the onboarding process.

These rates may be sent at transactional (capture) or post-transactional time. Otherwise, the rates agreed in advance between the participants will be used.

MDR (Merchant Discount Rate): Percentage to be deducted from the amount of a transaction, defined by product (Credit / Debit), brand and installment range.
> Fixed Fee: The amount, in cents, to be charged for each captured transaction.


The mediator and Marketplace will agree on an MDR and a Fixed Fee to deduct from the total value of each transaction.

The Marketplace, knowing these rates, will also negotiate an MDR and a Fixed Fee with each Subordinate. These values must include the MDR and fee agreed with Mediator.

The fixed fee agreed between Marketplace and Mediator is not deducted from the total amount of the transaction. That fee is deducted directly from the total amount the Marketplace will receive from the Mediator. The MDR, on the other hand, is part of the transaction split calculation since the MDR between Marketplace and its Subordinates includes the MDR between Marketplace and Mediator.

Cost to the Marketplace: MDR of Mediator(%) + Fixed Fee(BRL)


The Marketplace is responsible for establishing the rates that will be charged from its Subordinates. That established MRD must be greater than or equal to the MDR agreed between Mediator and Marketplace. Optionally, a fixed fee can also be defined.

Cost to the Subordinate: MDR of Marketplace(%) + Fixed Fee(BRL), where MDR of Marketplace(%) includes MDR of Mediator(%).


A transaction of BRL 100.00, made by a Marketplace with the participation of Subordinate 01.


In this example, assume the following agreements:

Mediator rates: 2% MDR + BRL 0.10 fixed fee.
Marketplace rates: 3.5% MDR (2% from MDR of Mediator) + 0.30 fixed fee.

After the split, the following schedule events will happen:

Credit: BRL 96.20 [Deducting the MDR and the fixed fee agreed with Marketplace]

Credit: BRL 1.80 [MDR applied on Subordinate’s amount deducting the MDR of Mediator] Deductions: BRL 0.10 [Fixed fee agreed with Mediator]

Credit: BRL 2.00 [MDR applied on the trasaction total amount] Credit: BRL 0.10 [Fixed fee agreed with Marketplace]


Split Payments supports the following brands:


Split Payments is part of Cielo e-commerce API. Transactional operations still are performed by Cielo API. Only a few changes are required to use the Split Payments. For more information about the Cielo E-Commerce API, see the Integration Guide of the platform.




The Split Payments uses as security the OAUTH2 protocol. Because of that, Cielo e-Commerce API and the Split API require an access token.

To get an access token:

  1. Concatenate the ClientId and ClientSecret: ClientId:ClientSecret.
  2. Encode the concatenation result in Base64.
  3. Perform a request to the authorization server:


--header "Authorization: Basic {base64}"
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG.....WE1igNAQRuHAs",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 1199

ClientId is the same used in integration with the Cielo E-Commerce API, known as MerchantId. The Mediator provides the ClientSecret.

The token in the response body (access_token) must be used in any request to the Cielo e-Commerce API or the Split API as an authorization key. It is valid for 20 minutes. A new token must be created when it expires.



The authorization of a transaction in Split Payments must be performed through the Cielo E-Commerce API following the same contracts described in the platform docs.

However, to indicate that the transaction sent is a Split Payments transaction, you must modify the payment type used, as follows:

  Credit Card Debit Card
Regular Transaction CreditCard DebitCard
Split Transaction SplittedCreditCard SplittedDebitCard



--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
         "Holder":"Test Holder",


  "MerchantOrderId": "2014111703",
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Buyer"
  "Payment": {
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
    "Installments": 1,
    "Interest": 0,
    "Capture": false,
    "Authenticate": false,
    "Recurrent": false,
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "123412******1231",
      "Holder": "Test Holder",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2030",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "Tid": "1209111409162",
    "ProofOfSale": "1409162",
    "AuthorizationCode": "359143",
    "SoftDescriptor": "Marketplace",
    "Provider": "Simulado",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-12-09 23:14:06",
    "Status": 1,
    "IsSplitted": true,
    "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "ReturnCode": "4",
    "PaymentId": "56b0abb3-c3e8-4383-bffd-d99ef81b13a5",
    "Type": "SplittedCreditCard",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA"

By informing a payment type related to Split, the Cielo e-Commerce API automatically identifies the transaction as referring to the Split Payments and performs its transactional flow.

If the transaction sent is set for automatic capture, the node containing the split rules must also be sent. Otherwise, the transaction will be split between Mediator and Marketplace. Subsequently, Marketplace can send new split rules to the transaction through Split API, as long as it is within the allowed time period.

Example 1)

Transaction of BRL 100.00, with automatic capture, without the split rules node.

Mediator Rates: 2% MDR + BRL 0.10 of Fixed fee.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
         "Holder":"Test Holder",


  "MerchantOrderId": "2014111703",
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Buyer"
  "Payment": {
    "SplitPayments": [
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
        "Amount": 10000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 2,
          "Fee": 0
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 10000
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
    "Installments": 1,
    "Interest": 0,
    "Capture": true,
    "Authenticate": false,
    "Recurrent": false,
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "123412******1231",
      "Holder": "Test Holder",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2030",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "Tid": "1209112426777",
    "ProofOfSale": "20171209112426777",
    "AuthorizationCode": "650711",
    "SoftDescriptor": "Marketplace",
    "Provider": "Simulado",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-12-09 23:24:24",
    "CapturedAmount": 10000,
    "CapturedDate": "2017-12-09 23:24:26",
    "Status": 2,
    "IsSplitted": true,
    "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "ReturnCode": "6",
    "PaymentId": "728e4d86-1806-4a1d-89b1-8139ff0769aa",
    "Type": "SplittedCreditCard",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA"

In this case, Marketplace receives the amount of the transaction, deducting the MDR agreed with Mediator. As previously stated, the fixed fee agreed between Marketplace and Mediator is computed directly on the schedule of both parties.


Example 2)

Transaction of BRL 100.00, with the split rules node.

Mediator Rates: 2% MDR + BRL 0.10 of fixed fee.
Marketplace Rates to Subordinate 01: 5% MDR (2% from MDR of Mediator included) + 0.30 of fixed fee. Marketplace Rates to Subordinate 02: 4% MDR (2% from MDR of Mediator included) + 0.15 of fixed fee.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
      "Capture": true,
          "Holder":"Test Holder",
      "SplitPayments": [
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 6000,
            "Fares": {
              "Mdr": 5,
              "Fee": 30
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
            "Amount": 4000,
            "Fares": {
              "Mdr": 4,
              "Fee": 15


  "MerchantOrderId": "2014111701",
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Buyer"
  "Payment": {
    "SplitPayments": [
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
        "Amount": 6000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 5,
          "Fee": 30
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 5670
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 330
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
        "Amount": 4000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 4,
          "Fee": 15
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
            "Amount": 3825
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 175
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
    "Installments": 1,
    "Interest": 0,
    "Capture": true,
    "Authenticate": false,
    "Recurrent": false,
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Test Holder",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "Tid": "1210031135775",
    "ProofOfSale": "20171210031135775",
    "AuthorizationCode": "605861",
    "SoftDescriptor": "Marketplace",
    "Provider": "Simulado",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-12-10 15:11:34",
    "CapturedAmount": 10000,
    "CapturedDate": "2017-12-10 15:11:35",
    "Status": 2,
    "IsSplitted": true,
    "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "ReturnCode": "6",
    "PaymentId": "ef7a7cf9-b66b-4772-b022-052bdcf3e9b0",
    "Type": "SplittedCreditCard",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA"

These are how the splits happened and how the schedules of each participant were set.


Split Models

Split Payments provides two models for dividing the transaction between the participants:

Type Description
Transactional Split The Marketplace sends the split rules on capture or on authorization (when capture is automatic).
Post-transactional Split The Marketplace sends the split rules after the transaction capture.

In Split Payments, the split is performed only for captured transactions. The split rules are only considered for authorizations with automatic capture or during the transaction capture. If informed at the time of authorization without automatic capture, the split rules will be ignored.


At Transactional Split is required that the Marketplace sends an additional node at the Cielo E-Commerce API integration with the transaction division rules, according with previous examples.

        "SubordinateMerchantId" :"MID Subordinate 01",
Property Description Type Size Required
SplitPayments.SubordinateMerchantId Subordinate MerchantId (Identifier). Guid 36 Yes
SplitPayments.Amount Subordinate’s part of transaction, in cents (BRL). Integer - Yes
SplitPayments.Fares.Mdr Marketplace MDR(%) to be discounted from Subordinate’s part of transaction.. Decimal - No
SplitPayments.Fares.Fee Fixed Fee (BRL), in cents, to be discounted from Subordinate’s part of transaction. Integer - No

As response, Cielo E-Commerce API returns a node containing the transaction split rules used and the amounts to be paid to Marketplace and its Subordinates:

"SplitPayments": [
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "Subordinate 01 MID",
        "Amount": 10000,
        "Fares": {
            "Mdr": 5,
            "Fee": 0
        "Splits": [
                "MerchantId": "Marketplace MID",
                "Amount": 500,
                "MerchantId": "Subordinate 01 MID",
                "Amount": 9500,
Property Description Type Size Required
SplitPayments.Splits.SubordinateMerchantId Subordinate’s or Marketplace’s MerchantId (Identifier). Guid 36 Yes
SplitPayments.Splits.Amount Result of the calculation of the transaction part to be paid to the Subordinate or Marketplace, with fares already discounted (MDR and Fixed Fees) Integer - Yes

Example 3)

Transaction with a total amount of BRL 100.00 with split rules node and Marketplace as part of the sale.

Cielo Fees: 2% MDR + BRL 0.30 of Fixed Fee.
Marketplace Fees agreed with Subordinate 01: 5% MDR (2% from MDR of Cielo included) + 0.30 of fixed fee.
Marketplace Fees agreed with Subordinate 02: 4% MDR (2% from MDR of Cielo included) + 0.15 of fixed fee.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
      "Capture": true,
          "Holder":"Test Holder",
      "SplitPayments": [
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 4500,
            "Fares": {
              "Mdr": 5,
              "Fee": 30
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
            "Amount": 3000,
            "Fares": {
              "Mdr": 4,
              "Fee": 15
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 2500


  "MerchantOrderId": "2014111701",
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Buyer"
  "Payment": {
    "SplitPayments": [
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
        "Amount": 4500,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 5,
          "Fee": 30
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 4245
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 255
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
        "Amount": 3000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 4,
          "Fee": 15
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
            "Amount": 2865
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 135
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
        "Amount": 2500,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 2,
          "Fee": 0
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 2500
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
    "Installments": 1,
    "Interest": 0,
    "Capture": true,
    "Authenticate": false,
    "Recurrent": false,
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Test Holder",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
      "SaveCard": false,
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "Tid": "1210035540764",
    "ProofOfSale": "20171210035540764",
    "AuthorizationCode": "859182",
    "SoftDescriptor": "Marketplace",
    "Provider": "Simulado",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-12-10 15:55:38",
    "CapturedAmount": 10000,
    "CapturedDate": "2017-12-10 15:55:40",
    "Status": 2,
    "IsSplitted": true,
    "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
    "ReturnCode": "6",
    "PaymentId": "34895364-e269-47ad-b779-7e122ed40a9a",
    "Type": "SplittedCreditCard",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA"

In the example, the Marketplace is a participant in the sale, hence its not necessary to inform the rates to be discounted from the Marketplace’s part in the transaction. The Split Payments system identifies the Marketplace’s part using its MerchantId (identifier) and perform the calculations utilizing the agreed rates and fees.



In this model the Marketplace can send the transaction split rules after it is captured.

For transactions made with Credit Card, when the Marketplace has a standard payout scheme, the post-transactional split can be made within a period of 20 days after the transaction. In the case the Marketplace owns a personalized scheme, the period must be negotiated between the Marketplace and Cielo.

For transactions made with Debit Card, if the Marketplace chooses, the post-transactional split can be made within a period of 1 day.

The period of post-transactional split can be changed by Cielo.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
        "Amount": 6000,
        "Fares": {
            "Mdr": 5,
            "Fee": 30
        "SubordinateMerchantId" :"2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",


  "PaymentId": "c96bf94c-b213-44a7-9ea3-0ee2865dc57e",
  "SplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "Amount": 6000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 5,
        "Fee": 30
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "Amount": 5670
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 330
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "Amount": 4000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 4,
        "Fee": 15
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "Amount": 3825
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 175

Post-Transactional Split node at the contract, both in the request and in the response, is the same as the Transactional Split, previously presented.

The Marketplace can split the transaction more than once, since it is in the allowed period.


To query a transaction, use the API Cielo E-Commerce query service.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
  "MerchantOrderId": "2014111701",
  "IsSplitted": true,
  "Customer": {
    "Name": "Buyer",
    "Address": {}
  "Payment": {
    "ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
    "Installments": 1,
    "Interest": "ByMerchant",
    "Capture": true,
    "Authenticate": false,
    "CreditCard": {
      "CardNumber": "455187******0181",
      "Holder": "Test Holder",
      "ExpirationDate": "12/2021",
      "Brand": "Visa"
    "ProofOfSale": "20171210061821319",
    "Tid": "1210061821319",
    "AuthorizationCode": "379918",
    "PaymentId": "507821c5-7067-49ff-928f-a3eb1e256148",
    "Type": "SplittedCreditCard",
    "Amount": 10000,
    "ReceivedDate": "2017-12-10 18:18:18",
    "CapturedAmount": 10000,
    "CapturedDate": "2017-12-10 18:18:21",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Country": "BRA",
    "Provider": "Simulado",
    "Status": 2,
    "SplitPayments": [
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
        "Amount": 6000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 5,
          "Fee": 30
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 5670
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 330
        "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
        "Amount": 4000,
        "Fares": {
          "Mdr": 4,
          "Fee": 15
        "Splits": [
            "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
            "Amount": 3825
            "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
            "Amount": 175


At capturing a Split Payments transaction, the transaction split rules must be informed. If the rules are not informed, it is assumed that all the transaction amount is from the Marketplace.

Total Capture

When performing a total capture of a transaction, the sum of all the amounts of each participant must equals the total amount of the transaction that was sent at the moment of authorization.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 6000,
            "Fares": {
                "Mdr": 5,
                "Fee": 30
            "SubordinateMerchantId" :"2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",


  "Status": 2,
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "ReturnCode": "6",
  "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "SplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "Amount": 6000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 5,
        "Fee": 30
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "Amount": 5670
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 330
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "Amount": 4000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 4,
        "Fee": 15
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "Amount": 3825
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 175

Partial Capture

When performing a partial capture of a transaction, the sum of the amount of each participant should equals the total amount captured.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"

The following example captures partially the amount of BRL 80.00 of a transaction with the authorized value of BRL 100.00.

--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "Amount": 5000,
            "Fares": {
                "Mdr": 5,
                "Fee": 30
            "SubordinateMerchantId" :"2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",


  "Status": 2,
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "ReturnCode": "6",
  "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "SplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "Amount": 5000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 5,
        "Fee": 30
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "Amount": 4720
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 280
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "Amount": 3000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 4,
        "Fee": 15
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "Amount": 2865
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 135

As previously explained, if a full or partial capture is performed without informing the split rules, Split interprets that the entire amount is destined for the Marketplace itself.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "Status": 2,
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "ProviderReturnCode": "6",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "ReturnCode": "6",
  "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "SplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
      "Amount": 8000,
      "Fares": {
        "Mdr": 2,
        "Fee": 0
      "Splits": [
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "Amount": 8000


To void a Split Payments transaction, the Marketplace must inform, to a partial void, what is the amount to be voided to each transaction participant. To perform a total void, this information is not required, because, in this case, the total amount of each participant will be voided.

Total Void

When performing a total void of a transaction, the total amount of the transaction will be voided and, thereafter, each amount and commission of each participant.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "Status": 10,
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "ReturnCode": "0",
  "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "VoidSplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "VoidedAmount": 4000,
      "VoidedSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "VoidedAmount": 3825
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "VoidedAmount": 175
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "VoidedAmount": 6000,
      "VoidedSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "VoidedAmount": 5670
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "VoidedAmount": 330

Partial Void

In the partial void, the sum of the voided amounts for each subordinate shall be equal to the amount of the partial void.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"

In the following example the amount to be voided is BRL 25.00 of a transaction with a total amount of BRL 100.00.

--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
            "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
            "VoidedAmount": 1500
            "SubordinateMerchantId" :"2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
Property Description Type Size Required
VoidSplitPayments.SubordinateMerchantId Subordinate MerchantId (Identifier). Guid 36 Yes
VoidedAmount.Amount Total or part of the Subordinate’s amount to be voided, in cents. Integer - Yes


  "Status": 2,
  "ReasonCode": 0,
  "ReasonMessage": "Successful",
  "ProviderReturnCode": "0",
  "ProviderReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "ReturnCode": "0",
  "ReturnMessage": "Operation Successful",
  "VoidSplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "VoidedAmount": 1500,
      "VoidedSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "VoidedAmount": 1417
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "VoidedAmount": 83
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "VoidedAmount": 1000,
      "VoidedSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "VoidedAmount": 956
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "VoidedAmount": 44

It is not required to inform all Subordinates in the partial void. It is possible to inform only the subordinates that there if the intention to void the total amount ou just a partial amount. In the example before, the second subordinate could be informed, as shown below:

  "VoidSplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "VoidedAmount": 1000

By partially voiding the part of a subordinate, the Fixed Fee the Marketplace charges is voided proportionally.

Financial Schedule

In the Split Payments, the Mediator is responsible for transferring the payout amounts (settlement) to each participant of a sale.

The Mediator will generate a financial schedule that can be consulted at any time by Marketplace and Subordinates.

The schedule is composed of Credit and Debit events generated according to the operations performed and the agreed payment scheme.

Credit events:

Id Event Description
1 Credit Credit of installments of a transaction.
3 FeeCredit Fixed Rate credit agreed between Marketplace and Mediator.
5 RefundCredit Credit caused by a cancellation.
7 ChargebackCredit Credit caused by a chargeback.
9 UndoChargebackCredit Credit to undo a chargeback.
11 AntiFraudFeeCredit Credit related to an anti-fraud transaction.
13 AntiFraudFeeWithReviewCredit Credit related to an anti-fraud transaction with a manual review.
15 AdjustmentCredit Credit as an adjustment.
17 ChargebackReversalCredit Credit related to a chargeback reversion.
19 AnticipationCredit Credit related to anticipation.
20 AnticipationCommissionCredit Credit related to an anticipation commission.

Debit events:

Id Event Description
2 Debit Debit of installments of a transaction.
4 FeeDebit Fixed Rate debit agreed between Marketplace and Mediator.
6 RefundDebit Debit caused by a cancellation.
8 ChargebackDebit Debit caused by a chargeback.
10 UndoChargebackDebit Debit to undo a chargeback.
12 AntiFraudFeeDebit Debit related to an anti-fraud transaction.
14 AntiFraudFeeWithReviewDebit Debit related to an anti-fraud transaction with a manual review.
16 AdjustmentDebit Debit as an adjustment.
18 ChargebackReversalDebit Debit related to a chargeback reversion.
22 AnticipationCommissionDebit Debit related to an anticipation commission.

An event may be in one of the following statuses in the financial schedule:

Split API provides an endpoint to discover the pending amount a merchant has to receive within a period.

Parameter Description Type Format Required Default value
InitialForecastedDate Filters by the forecasted initial payment date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No CurrentDate
FinalForecastedDate Filters by the forecasted final payment date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No InitialForecastedDate
InitialPaymentDate Filters by the initial payment date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No -
FinalPaymentDate Filters by the final payment date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No InitialPaymentDate
PageIndex Selected page. Int - No 1
PageSize Page size. Accepted values: 25, 50, 100. Int - No 25
EventStatus Filters by event status [Scheduled - Pending - Settled - Error - WaitingForAdjustmentDebit - Anticipated]. String - No All statuses
IncludeAllSubordinates Includes all subordinates in the response. Boolean - No false
MerchantIds Filters by Merchant IDs. Guid - No -


By forecasted payment date

Por payment date

--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "PageCount": 1,
  "PageSize": 25,
  "PageIndex": 1,
  "Schedules": [
      "Id": "b579fafb-8271-4a1d-a657-00e5fd9b9f83",
      "PaymentId": "069ee5ef-ce7a-43ce-a9af-022f652e115a",
      "MerchantId": "ea4db25a-f981-4849-87ff-026897e006c6",
      "ForecastedDate": "2018-08-22",
      "Installments": 10,
      "InstallmentAmount": 9255,
      "InstallmentNumber": 6,
      "Event": 1,
      "EventDescription": "Credit",
      "EventStatus": "Settled",
      "SourceId": "e3efe82f-1eee-4c28-bb9f-8054fcd4ca3f",
      "Mdr": 3.2,
      "Commission": false
      "Id": "2f110f0d-82c9-4a1f-8df5-08203348d160",
      "PaymentId": "069ee5ef-ce7a-43ce-a9af-022f652e115a",
      "MerchantId": "ea4db25a-f981-4849-87ff-026897e006c6",
      "ForecastedDate": "2018-08-22",
      "Installments": 10,
      "InstallmentAmount": 9255,
      "InstallmentNumber": 9,
      "Event": 1,
      "EventDescription": "Credit",
      "EventStatus": "Settled",
      "SourceId": "e3efe82f-1eee-4c28-bb9f-8054fcd4ca3f",
      "Mdr": 3.2,
      "Commission": false
      "Id": "01d9b78f-b287-4376-a5e4-12d91cde1938",
      "PaymentId": "069ee5ef-ce7a-43ce-a9af-022f652e115a",
      "MerchantId": "ea4db25a-f981-4849-87ff-026897e006c6",
      "ForecastedDate": "2018-08-22",
      "Installments": 10,
      "InstallmentAmount": 9255,
      "InstallmentNumber": 2,
      "Event": 1,
      "EventDescription": "Credit",
      "EventStatus": "Settled",
      "SourceId": "e3efe82f-1eee-4c28-bb9f-8054fcd4ca3f",
      "Mdr": 3.2,
      "Commission": false
      "Id": "e30760d7-01e2-4b2b-9a43-2b252fcfbd84",
      "PaymentId": "069ee5ef-ce7a-43ce-a9af-022f652e115a",
      "MerchantId": "ea4db25a-f981-4849-87ff-026897e006c6",
      "ForecastedDate": "2018-08-22",
      "Installments": 10,
      "InstallmentAmount": 9262,
      "InstallmentNumber": 10,
      "Event": 1,
      "EventDescription": "Credit",
      "EventStatus": "Settled",
      "SourceId": "e3efe82f-1eee-4c28-bb9f-8054fcd4ca3f",
      "Mdr": 3.2,
      "Commission": false
      "Id": "90ea1e11-568f-49ee-bc3f-7ab2a225a1e1",
      "PaymentId": "069ee5ef-ce7a-43ce-a9af-022f652e115a",
      "MerchantId": "ea4db25a-f981-4849-87ff-026897e006c6",
      "ForecastedDate": "2018-08-22",
      "Installments": 10,
      "InstallmentAmount": 9255,
      "InstallmentNumber": 1,
      "Event": 1,
      "EventDescription": "Credit",
      "EventStatus": "Settled",
      "SourceId": "e3efe82f-1eee-4c28-bb9f-8054fcd4ca3f",
      "Mdr": 3.2,
      "Commission": false
Property Description Type Size
Schedules[].Id Event ID on financial schedule. Guid 36
Schedules[].PaymentId Transaction ID. Guid 36
Schedules[].MerchantId Merchant ID. Guid 36
Schedules[].PaymentDate Settlement date. This property is available only when the payment has finished (EventStatus = Settled). Date -
Schedules[].ForecastedDate Forecasted settlement date. Date -
Schedules[].Installments Number of installments of a transaction. Int -
Schedules[].InstallmentAmount Value in cents of the installment to be settled. Int -
Schedules[].InstallmentNumber Installment to be settled. Int -
Schedules[].Event Event ID. Int -
Schedules[].EventDescription Event description. String -
Schedules[].EventStatus Event status. [Scheduled - Pending - Settled - Error - WaitingForAdjustementDebit] String -

Fetching Transaction

Split Payments provides an interface to query the financial schedule of multiple or a specific transaction.

Parameter Description Type Format Required Default value
InitialCaptureDate Filters by the initial capture date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No -
FinalCaptureDate Filters by the final capture date. Date YYYY-MM-DD No InitialCaptureDate
PageIndex Selected page. Int - No 1
PageSize Page size. Accepted values: 25, 50, 100. Int - No 25
EventStatus Filters by event status [Scheduled - Pending - Settled - Error - Anticipated]. String - No All statuses
IncludeAllSubordinates Includes all subordinates in the response. Boolean - No false
MerchantIds Filters by Merchant IDs. Guid - No -

To search for multiple merchants, repeat the “merchantIds” parameter. If this parameter is no set, it will be considered the merchant used for authentication to the Split API.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "PageCount": 1,
  "PageSize": 25,
  "PageIndex": 1,
  "Transactions": [
      "PaymentId": "24afaaaf-f2a1-40a5-bb25-f914fa623c4c",
      "CapturedDate": "2017-12-01",
      "Schedules": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "ForecastedDate": "2017-12-21",
          "Installments": 2,
          "InstallmentAmount": 24357,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": "Credit",
          "EventDescription": "Credit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "ForecastedDate": "2017-12-21",
          "Installments": 2,
          "InstallmentAmount": 1450,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": "Credit",
          "EventDescription": "Credit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "ForecastedDate": "2017-12-21",
          "Installments": 2,
          "InstallmentAmount": 38480,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": "Credit",
          "EventDescription": "Credit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "ForecastedDate": "2017-12-21",
          "Installments": 2,
          "InstallmentAmount": 5,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": "FeeDebit",
          "EventDescription": "FeeDebit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"
Property Description Type Size
Transactions[].PaymentId Transaction ID. Guid 36
Transactions[].CaptureDate Capture date. Date -
Transactions[].Schedules[].MerchantId Merchant ID. Guid 36
Transactions[].Schedules[].PaymentDate Settlement date. This property is available only when the payment has finished (EventStatus = Settled). Date -
Transactions[].Schedules[].ForecastedDate Forecasted settlement date. Date -
Transactions[].Schedules[].Installments Number of installments of a transaction. Int -
Transactions[].Schedules[].InstallmentsAmount Value in cents of the installment to be settled. Int -
Transactions[].Schedules[].InstallmentNumber Installment to be settled. Int -
Transactions[].Schedules[].Event Event ID. Int -
Transactions[].Schedules[].EventDescription Event description. String -
Transactions[].Schedules[].EventStatus Event status. [Scheduled - Pending - Settled - Error - Anticipated] String -

To search for the schedule of a specific transaction, use the transaction ID in the request.

In this case, the MerchantIds and EventStatus filters can be used.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"


  "PageCount": 1,
  "PageSize": 25,
  "PageIndex": 1,
  "Transactions": [
      "PaymentId": "cd2309d3-3fec-4816-aec7-bcb6d51a0988",
      "CapturedDate": "2017-12-11",
      "Schedules": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "ForecastedDate": "2018-01-11",
          "Installments": 1,
          "InstallmentAmount": 5790,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": 1,
          "EventDescription": "Credit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "ForecastedDate": "2018-01-11",
          "Installments": 1,
          "InstallmentAmount": 3790,
          "InstallmentNumber": 1,
          "Event": 1,
          "EventDescription": "Credit",
          "EventStatus": "Scheduled"


Split Payments allows credit and debit adjustments on the Subordinates’ schedules.

An adjustment will only be settled if the participant being debited has a positive balance on the date scheduled for performing the adjustment. Otherwise, the adjustment settlement will be postponed for both parties until the participant being debited has a positive balance to cover the adjustment amount.

Example: The Marketplace makes an adjustment to debit BRL 100.00 from Subordinate A, with a forecasted date of collection on 10/17/2018.

Case 1) Subordinate has positive balance on the forecasted date provided.


The amounts ​​up to 10/16/2018 were normally settled.

Since the subordinate had BRL 150.00 to receive on 10/17/2018, the adjustment was posted to the financial schedule on the stated date informed, and the Subordinate will receive BRL 50.00 due to the adjustment debit.

The participant to be credited will have the credit on the same date of the debit confirmation, that is, it will receive BRL 150.00 on 10/17/2018.

Caso 2) Subordinate does not have positive balance on the forecasted date provided.


The amounts ​​up to 10/16/2018 were normally settled.

The Subordinate had to receive only BRL 60.00 on 10/17/2018, and it does not cover the value of the adjustment to be debited from it.

In this case, subordinate payments will be withheld until it has enough balance to cover the adjustment, which occurs on 10/19/2018, where the accumulated retained amount is BRL 130.00. The subordinate will receive BRL 30.00 then.

The participant to be credited will have the credit on the same date of the debit confirmation, that is, it will receive BRL 150.00 on 10/19/2018.


--header "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
--header "Accept: application/json"
    "merchantIdToDebit": "EA4DB25A-F981-4849-87FF-026897E006C6",
    "merchantIdToCredit": "44F68284-27CF-43CB-9D14-1B1EE3F36838",
    "forecastedDate": "2018-09-17",
    "amount": 1000,
    "description": "Penalty for failure to comply with the estimated shipping date for order XYZ",
    "transactionId": "717A0BD0-3D92-43DB-9D1E-9B82DFAFA392"
Property Description Type Size Required
merchantIdToDebit Merchant where the amount will be debited. Guid 36 Yes
merchantIdToCredit Merchant where the amount will be credited. Int - Yes
forecastedDate Forecasted date to post the adjustment on the financial schedule. String - Yes
amount Adjustment amount, in cents. Int - Yes
description Adjustment description. String 500 Yes
transactionId Transaction ID where the adjustment is being posted. Guid - No


-- 201 - Created
    "id": "68465ddd-451a-4194-abca-be1ed71fb2ea",
    "merchantIdToDebit": "EA4DB25A-F981-4849-87FF-026897E006C6",
    "merchantIdToCredit": "44F68284-27CF-43CB-9D14-1B1EE3F36838",
    "forecastedDate": "2018-09-19",
    "amount": 1000,
    "description": "Penalty for failure to comply with the estimated shipping date for order XYZ",
    "transactionId": "717A0BD0-3D92-43DB-9D1E-9B82DFAFA392",
    "status": "Created"
Property Description Type Size Required
id Adjustment ID Guid 36 -
status Adjustment status [Created - Scheduled - Processed - Canceled ]. String - -


In Split Payments, the Marketplace can choose whether it will assume the chargeback or pass it on to its Subordinates, as long as it has previously agreed between the participants.

If the Marketplace chooses to pass it on to the Subordinates, the Total Chargeback is automatically posted on their schedule. Otherwise, it will be posted on the Marketplace schedule, like a partial chargeback.

The Split API provides an endpoint where the Marketplace can define how to split the chargeback amount among subordinates, case it is a Partial Chargeback.

In the example below there was a Partial Chargeback of BRL 60.00 on a transaction with a captured amount of BRL 100.00.


    "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
    "ChargebackAmount": 4000
    "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
    "ChargebackAmount": 2000
Property Description Type Size
SubordinateMerchantId Subordinate ID. Guid 36
ChargebackAmount Chargeback amount that must be passed to the Subordinate, in cents. Int -


  "ChargebackSplitPayments": [
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
      "ChargebackAmount": 4000,
      "ChargebackSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "7c7e5e7b-8a5d-41bf-ad91-b346e077f769",
          "ChargebackAmount": 3780
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "ChargebackAmount": 220
      "SubordinateMerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
      "ChargebackAmount": 2000,
      "ChargebackSplits": [
          "MerchantId": "2b9f5bea-5504-40a0-8ae7-04c154b06b8b",
          "ChargebackAmount": 1912
          "MerchantId": "e4db3e1b-985f-4e33-80cf-a19d559f0f60",
          "ChargebackAmount": 88

The Marketplace has one day, from the date of the chargeback confirmation, to inform how it wants to split the chargeback amounts to the subordinates.

Property Description Type Size
ChargebackSplitPayments.ChargebackSplits List containing the split of chargeback for each participant. Guid 36


To be notified about the status of a transaction, use the Cielo E-Commerce API notification service.