Overview - Promotions

Technical documentation to guide the developer on how to perform an integration along Cielo for the offers divulgation process and commercial establishments that use Cielo Promo promotions.

Target Audience

Restrict/Private API, it is required the internal releasing for usage, only available to Cielo collaborators. Developers and partner integrators that have the knowledge in integration using REST APIs and that wish to integrate your system/mobile application with Cielo promotions API functionalities.

What is it?

APIs that allow the Promotions (discounts and gifts) divulgation in establishments that have Cielo Promo on the Partners platforms.

How it works

Description of the HTTP verbs commom to the APIs:

Method Description
POST The HTTP POST method is used on the creation of the features or on the send of information that will be processed. For example, creation of a transaction
GET The HTTP GET method is used for already existing feature queries. For example, transactions query
PUT The HTTP PUT method is used to replace features, performing a full update
PATCH The HTTP PATCH is used to update features, performing a data partial update

Usage Diagram demonstrating the operation of the solution

Authentication flux and authorization to be performed to use the API features:


Usage Diagram demonstrating the steps to the API usage

Step 1: Call feature /login to get the authentication and authorization page


Step 2: With the step 1 response, render the HTML on the application for the integration with the user


Step 3: After the login execution, get through callback, the authorization code


Step 4: With the authorization code, call the /access-token feature to generate the access_token required to perform the call to the API features


Step 5: With the asnwer, keep the access_token (expiring time) and the refresh_token (to generate the access_token)

Endpoints (Sandbox and Production)

Production Environment

Sandbox Environment

HTTP Header

All API calls require that the informations below are present on the Header on requisition:

Client-Id: Access identification. Its generation occurs at the moment of the creation by the developer panel. Its value can be visualized on the “Client ID” column, within the “Developer” menu -> “Registered Client ID)

Access-Token:Access Token identification, that stores the access rules allowed to the Cliend ID. Its generation occurs at the moment of the Client ID creation by the developer panel. Its value can be visualized by clickin on “details” on the “Access Tokens” column, within the “Developer” menu -> “Registered Client ID”

HTTP Status Code

Code Error Description
200 OK Operation performed successfully
201 Created The solicitation was made, resulting in the creation of a new feature
204 Empty Operation performed successfully, but no answer was returned
400 Bad Request The requisition has invalid parameter(s)
401 Unauthorized The access token was not informed or does not have access to the APIs
403 Forbidden The access to the feature was denied
404 Not Found The informed feature on the request was not found
413 Request is to Large The requisition is surpassing the limit allowed to your token’s profile de acesso
422 Unprocessable Entity The requisition has mandatory parameters not informed
429 Too Many Requests The consumer broke the limit of requests per time
500 Internal Server Error Not expected error; something is broken on the API

Docs API


Getting HTML from LOGIN page


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id query string Redirect URL provided for the application. Yes
redirect_url query string Redirect URL fornecida para receber o callback. Yes
name query string Holder’s name Yes
cpf query string Holder’s CPF Yes
birthdate query string Holder’s birth date Yes
e-mail query string Holder’s e-mail Yes


Code Description Model
301 Login Screen URL Redirection. Header: {"Location":{"description":"Login screen URL + client_id + redirect_url","type":"string"}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Getting the HTML from the card register page


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id query string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
access_token query string Access Token Yes
redirect_url query string Redirect URL provided to receive the callback. Yes


Code Description Model
301 URL redirection of the registration screen. Header: {"Location":{"description":"Card screen URL + client_id + redirect_url","type":"string"}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Returns the holder’s data


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
access_token header string Access Token Yes


Code Description Model
200 Success {"allOf":[ { "type":"object", "properties":{ "devices":{ "type":"array", "items":{ "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Device identifier." }, "type": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ANDROID", "IOS" ] } } } } },{ "id": { "type": "integer", "format": "int64", "description": "Card holder identifier." }, "birthdate": { "type": "string", "format": "date-time", "description": "Date of birth. The card holder must be at least 10 years old." }, "document": { "type": "string", "description": "Card holder document number.", "maxLength": 11 }, "email": { "type": "string", "description": "Card holder e-mail.", "maxLength": 100 }, "gender": { "type": "string", "description": "Card holder gender (F/M).", "enum": [ "FEMALE", "MALE" ] }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "name.", "maxLength": 100 }, "phone": { "areaCode": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32" }, "phoneNumber": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32" } } } ]}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Returns the card holder’s list


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
access_token header string Access token Yes
_offset query integer Initial register to be returned Yes
_limit query integer Limit amount of registers Yes
_expand query string Expands the relationship on return No


Code Description Model
200 OK. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"number","format":"int64","description":"Card idenfifier."},"nickname":{"type":"string","description":"Card nickname."},"brand":{"type":"string","description":"Card brand."},"maskedPan":{"type":"string","description":"4 last digits."},"type":{"type": "string", "enum": [ "DEBIT", "CREDIT", "MULTIPLE" ]},"status":{"type": "string", "enum": [ "STRONG", "WEAK" ]},"partners":{"type":"array","items":{"allOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "statusAssociation": { "description": "Requested association status.", "type": "boolean" } } }, { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Partner identifier." }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner name." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner description." }, "term": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner accept term URL." }, "associationType": { "type": "string", "description": "Type of association released to partner.", "enum": [ "AUTOMATIC", "MANUAL" ] } } ]}}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
405 Method Not Allowed. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
413 Request Entity Too Large. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
415 Unsupported Media Type. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
429 Too Many Requests. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Returns the list of positivated transaction from a holder


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
access_token header string Access token provided at login. Yes
_offset query integer Initial register to be returned Yes
_limit query integer Limit amount of registers Yes
start_date query string Initial Date (ISO 8601). Yes
end_date query string Final Date (ISO 8601). Yes


Code Description Model
200 OK. {"allOf":[{"type":"object","properties":{"transactionCancelled":{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Transaction Identifier." }, "commercialEstablishment": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Commercial establishment identifier." }, "fictitiousName": { "type": "string", "description": "Fantasy name." }, "businessActivity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } } } } }, "productPrimary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "productSecondary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "containsPromotions": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Flag that identifies whether it contains promotion."},"transactionUndone":{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Transaction Identifier." }, "commercialEstablishment": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Commercial establishment identifier." }, "fictitiousName": { "type": "string", "description": "Fantasy name." }, "businessActivity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } } } } }, "productPrimary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "productSecondary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "containsPromotions": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Flag that identifies whether it contains promotion."}}},{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Transaction Identifier." }, "commercialEstablishment": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Commercial establishment identifier." }, "fictitiousName": { "type": "string", "description": "Fantasy name." }, "businessActivity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } } } } }, "productPrimary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "productSecondary": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Product identifier." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Product name." } } }, "containsPromotions": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Flag that identifies whether it contains promotion."}]}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Gets data from a card


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
access_token header string Access token Yes
card_id path integer Holder’s card ID Yes
_expand query string Expands the relationship on return No


Code Description Model
200 Ok. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"number","format":"int64","description":"Card idenfifier."},"nickname":{"type":"string","description":"Card nickname."},"brand":{"type":"string","description":"Card brand."},"maskedPan":{"type":"string","description":"4 last digits."},"type":{"type": "string", "enum": [ "DEBIT", "CREDIT", "MULTIPLE" ]},"status":{"type": "string", "enum": [ "STRONG", "WEAK" ]},"partners":{"allOf": [ { "type": "object", "properties": { "statusAssociation": { "description": "Requested association status.", "type": "boolean" } } }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Partner identifier." }, "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner name." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner description." }, "term": { "type": "string", "description": "Partner accept term URL." }, "associationType": { "type": "string", "description": "Type of association released to partner.", "enum": [ "AUTOMATIC", "MANUAL" ] } } } ]}}}}
400 Bad Request. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
401 Unauthorized. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
403 Forbidden. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
404 Not Found. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}

Returns the list of commercial establishments


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
cnpj query string CNPJ No
cpf query string CPF No


Code Description Model
200 Commercial Establishments List. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"number","format":"int64","description":"Commercial establishment identifier."},"fictitiousName":{"type":"string","description":"Fantasy name."},"businessActivity":{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } }}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Returns the Commercial Establishment subscription to a promotion


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
commercial_establishment_id path integer commercial establishment ID Yes
subscription_id path integer subscription ID Yes


Code Description Model
200 Commercial establishments list. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Subscription identifier."},"promotionId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"ID da promoção."},"status":{ "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "format": "int64", "description": "Subscription status identifier" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "ubscription status description" } }},"action":{"type":"string","description":"Action to be taken when subscribing.","enum":["S","U"]},"subscriptionDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Subscription date - ISO8601."},"processingDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Processing date - ISO8601."}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Retorna a lista das subscrições aceitas e processadas para um Estabelecimento Comercial


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
commercial_establishment_id path integer commercial establishment ID Yes


Code Description Model
200 Commercial establishments list*. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Subscription identifier."},"promotionId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"ID da promoção."},"status":{ "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "format": "int64", "description": "Subscription status identifier" }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "ubscription status description" } }},"action":{"type":"string","description":"Action to be taken when subscribing.","enum":["S","U"]},"subscriptionDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Subscription date - ISO8601."},"processingDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Processing date - ISO8601."}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Sends a subscription request to a promotion for a Commercial Establishment


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
commercial_establishment_id path integer commercial establishment ID Yes
subscription body object { “promotionID” : 0, “action” : “S” } Yes
subscription.promotionID body integer promotion ID Yes
subscription.action body string Action kind: S - subscribe / U - unsubscribe Yes


Code Description Model
202 Subscription request accepted. Header: {"Location":{"description":"Location for request status query","type":"string"}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Updates the status of a subscription


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
subscription_id path integer Commercial establishment subscription identifier to a promotion. Yes
subscription body object { “promotionID” : 0, “action” : “S” } Yes
subscription.promotionID body integer promotion ID Yes
subscription.action body string Action kind: S - subscribe / U - unsubscribe Yes


Code Description Model
204 No Content. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Gets a list of non processed subscriptions


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes


Code Description Model
200 List of unprocessed subscriptions. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Subscription identifier."},"promotionId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Promotion identifier."},"subscriptionDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Subscription date - ISO8601."},"action":{"type":"string","description":"Action to be taken when subscribing.","enum":["S","U"]}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Gets the status of non processed subscriptions


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
subscription_id path integer subscription ID Yes


Code Description Model
200 Queue request data. {"type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Subscription identifier."},"promotionId":{"type":"integer","format":"int64","description":"Promotion identifier."},"subscriptionDate":{"type":"string","format":"date","description":"Subscription date - ISO8601."},"action":{"type":"string","description":"Action to be taken when subscribing.","enum":["S","U"]}}}
303 Request processed. Redirect to the correct location. Header: {"Location":{"description":"Location of subscription creation.","type":"string"}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}

Updates the ACCESS_TOKEN from the refresh_token


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
authorization header string Authorization code correspondent to the client_id + client_secret concatenation converted to Base 64. Yes
refresh body object { “grant_type”:”string” , “code”: “string” } Yes
refresh.grant_type body string Tipo do request, ex. grant_type = refresh_token Yes
refresh.code body string refresh_token code Yes


Code Description Model
201 Created. {"type":"object","properties":{"access_token":{"type":"string","description":"Access Token"},"refresh_token":{"type":"string","description":"Refresh Token"},"token_type":{"type":"string","description":"Token Type"},"expires_in":{"type":"integer","description":"Expires in"}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
405 Method Not Allowed. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
413 Request Entity Too Large. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
415 Unsupported Media Type. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
429 Too Many Requests. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}



Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
authorization header string authorization code correspondent to the client_id + client_secret concatenation converted to Base 64. Yes
grant body object { “grant_type”:”string” , “code”: “string” } Yes
grant.grant_type body string Request type, example: grant_type = authorization_code Yes
grant.code body string authorization_code code  


Codigo Description Model
201 Created. {"type":"object","properties":{"access_token":{"type":"string","description":"Access Token"},"refresh_token":{"type":"string","description":"Refresh Token"},"token_type":{"type":"string","description":"Token Type"},"expires_in":{"type":"integer","description":"Expires in"}}}
400 Bad Request. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
401 Unauthorized. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
403 Forbidden. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
404 Not Found. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
405 Method Not Allowed. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
413 Request Entity Too Large. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
415 Unsupported Media Type. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
429 Too Many Requests. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"description":"Error full description.","type":"string"}


Gets a list of promotions


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
latitude query number Latitude Yes
longitude query number Longitude Yes
radius query integer Radius Yes
active query boolean Indicator for active campaign / not active No
type query string Kind of campaign. Example: A – RFM Amount; B – Event Birthday; E – Event Day; F – RFM Frequency; G – Generic; P – RFM Punch; R – Event Recurring Hour/Day; X – RFM Recency; W – Event Welcome; Não
_offset query integer Initial reigster to be returned Yes
_limit query integer Limit amount of registers to be returned Yes
_sort query string Sets the result ordination No


Code Description Model
200 OK. {"allOf":[{"type":"object","properties":{"commercialEstablishment":{ "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Commercial establishment identifier." }, "fictitiousName": { "type": "string", "description": "Fantasy name." }, "businessActivity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } } } }}}},{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Campaign identifier in the PROMO database." }, "active": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Field that identifies whether the campaign is active." }, "endDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "End date (ISO 8601)." }, "startDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "Start date (ISO 8601)." }, "title": { "type": "string", "description": "Promotional Campaign Title." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Promotional Campaign Description." }, "transactionDays": { "type": "string", "description": "Transaction Days." }, "campaignModel": { "type": "string", "description": "Campaign model." }, "premium": { "type": "string", "description": "Campaign Prize." }, "campaignType": { "type": "string", "description": "Tipo da Campanha. Ex: A – RFM Amount; B – Event Birthday; E – Event Day; F – RFM Frequency; G – Generic; P – RFM Punch; R – Event Recurring Hour/Day; X – RFM Recency; W – Event Welcome;", "enum": [ "A", "B", "E", "F", "G", "P", "R", "X", "W" ] }, "validityRedemption": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "Validity of the redemption." }, "shareable": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Field that identifies whether the campaign can be shared." } }}]}
400 Bad Request. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
401 Unauthorized. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
403 Forbidden. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
404 Not Found. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
405 Method Not Allowed. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
413 Request Entity Too Large. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
415 Unsupported Media Type. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
429 Too Many Requests. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}

Gets a specific promotion


Name Location Kind Description Mandatory
client_id header string Client ID provided for the application. Yes
promotion_id path integer promotion ID Yes


Code Description Model
200 OK. {"allOf":[{"type":"object","properties":{"commercialEstablishment":{"type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "number", "format": "int64", "description": "Commercial establishment identifier." }, "fictitiousName": { "type": "string", "description": "Fantasy name." }, "businessActivity": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Business activity identifier." } } } }}}},{ "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "integer", "description": "Campaign identifier in the PROMO database." }, "active": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Field that identifies whether the campaign is active." }, "endDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "End date (ISO 8601)." }, "startDate": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "Start date (ISO 8601)." }, "title": { "type": "string", "description": "Promotional Campaign Title." }, "description": { "type": "string", "description": "Promotional Campaign Description." }, "transactionDays": { "type": "string", "description": "Transaction Days." }, "campaignModel": { "type": "string", "description": "Campaign model." }, "premium": { "type": "string", "description": "Campaign Prize." }, "campaignType": { "type": "string", "description": "Tipo da Campanha. Ex: A – RFM Amount; B – Event Birthday; E – Event Day; F – RFM Frequency; G – Generic; P – RFM Punch; R – Event Recurring Hour/Day; X – RFM Recency; W – Event Welcome;", "enum": [ "A", "B", "E", "F", "G", "P", "R", "X", "W" ] }, "validityRedemption": { "type": "string", "format": "date", "description": "Validity of the redemption." }, "shareable": { "type": "boolean", "description": "Field that identifies whether the campaign can be shared." }}]}
400 Bad Request. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
401 Unauthorized. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
403 Forbidden. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
404 Not Found. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
405 Method Not Allowed. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
412 Precondition Failed. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
413 Request Entity Too Large. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
415 Unsupported Media Type. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
422 Unprocessable Entity. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
429 Too Many Requests. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
500 Internal Server Error. {"properties":{"code":{"type":"string","description":"Error code."},"description":{"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}}}
502 Bad Gateway. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}
504 Gateway Timeout. {"type":"string","description":"Error full description."}