Overview - API Cielo Connect
Enable the integration of business partners/sub-purchasers with Cielo for transactions with non-present cards (typed transactions) and gift cards in Chip and black stripe modalities.
ID | Description |
BC | PINPad Shared Library |
DUKPT | (Devired Unique Key Per Transaction) Encryption method used at Cielo |
PIN | Card password |
BDK | (Base Derived Key) Sub key to be installed on the HSM |
HSM | (Hardware Security Module) Server for digital key generation, storage, management and cryptographic functionality |
OAUTH2 | Authentication protocol used in APIs |
For the integration, it is necessary that the business partner/sub-purchaser capture solution must have the following components:
- Shared library for PINPad or proprietary library certified with the brands.
- DUKPT encryption keys implemented for PIN.
- Make your BDK available for installation on HSM Cielo.
- For payment solutions that use an external Pinpad (Bluetooth or cable connection), the use of WKPAN encryption for data is required. Customers of this type of solution must be a PCI DSS and PA DSS certificate.
Key Format required by Cielo:
HSM Cielo is parameterized to a KSN as follows:
- KSI - Key identification number
- DID – Device ID
- TC – Transaction Counter
In the key register is only inserted the KSI that has 5 numeric characters and the key, as the example below:
Authentication is a necessary operation to obtain the token that will be used in other API calls.
Security scheme type: | OAuth2 |
clientCredentials OAuth Flow | Token URL: https://authsandbox.braspag.com.br/oauth2/token Scopes: _ Administrator - Admin everything_ AnalyticsApiOverview - See the analytics* AdminBackoffice - Use the backoffice |
When a payment is created (201 - Created), you should review the Status (Payment.Status) in the response to make sure that the payment was successfully generated or if there was any failure.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
Credit card typed sales without password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150001",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalCreditCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"Installments": 1,
"Capture": true,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"ProductId": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"CardNumber": 1234567812345678,
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"SecurityCodeStatus": "Collected",
"SecurityCode": 1230,
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "Typed",
"AuthenticationMethod": "NoPassword",
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
CreditCard.CardNumber |
String | 19 | — | Card number (PAN) |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.SecurityCodeStatus |
String | — | — | Enum: Collected Unreadable Nonexistent Security code collection status (CVV) |
CreditCard.SecurityCode |
String | 3 or 4 | — | Security code (CVV) |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates if card number will be truncated at time of voucher printing. The capture solution should make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE, and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"CreditCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Credit card sale with the black stripe reading and password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150002",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalCreditCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"Installments": 1,
"Capture": true,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"ProductId": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"SecurityCodeStatus": "Nonexistent",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "MagStripe",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlinePassword",
"TrackOneData": "A1234567890123456^FULANO OLIVEIRA SA ^12345678901234567890123",
"TrackTwoData": "0123456789012345=012345678901234",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.Capture |
Booleano | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.SecurityCodeStatus |
String | — | — | Enum: Collected Unreadable Nonexistent Security code collection status (CVV) |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.TrackOneData |
String | — | — | Track data 1 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time |
CreditCard.TrackTwoData |
String | — | — | Track data 2 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
— | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"CreditCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Debit card sale with black stripe reading and password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150003",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"ProductId": 1,
"DebitCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"SecurityCodeStatus": "Nonexistent",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "MagStripe",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlinePassword",
"TrackOneData": "A1234567890123456^FULANO OLIVEIRA SA ^12345678901234567890123",
"TrackTwoData": "0123456789012345=012345678901234",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.SecurityCodeStatus |
String | — | — | Enum: Collected Unreadable Nonexistent Security code collection status (CVV) |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
DebitCard.TrackOneData |
String | — | — | Track data 1 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time |
DebitCard.TrackTwoData |
String | — | — | Track data 2 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
— | — | — | — |
DebitCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"DebitCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
DebitCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
DebitCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
DebitCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
DebitCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
DebitCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
DebitCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
DebitCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
DebitCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Credit card sales with EMV and online password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150004",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalCreditCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"ProductId": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlinePassword",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
— | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"CreditCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Debit card sales with EMV and online password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150005",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"ProductId": 1,
"DebitCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlinePassword",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
— | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"DebitCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
CreditCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
CreditCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
CreditCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
CreditCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
CreditCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
CreditCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
CreditCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
CreditCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Sale with food voucher(voucher card) with EMV and online password
"MerchantOrderId": "201904150005",
"Payment": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId" : "SubordinatedMerchantId ",
"Type": "PhysicalVoucherCard",
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Amount": 15798,
"ProductId": 1,
"VoucherCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlinePassword",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Payment.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String | — | Yes | Store identifier code. |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction Type |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
VoucherCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
VoucherCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
VoucherCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
VoucherCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” - Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” - EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05”- Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06”- Contactless EMV. |
VoucherCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
VoucherCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
— | — | — | — |
VoucherCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
"MerchantOrderId": "20180204",
"Customer": {
"Name": "[Guest]"
"Payment": {
"Installments": 1,
"Interest": "ByMerchant",
"Capture": true,
"VoucherCard": {
"ExpirationDate": "12/2020",
"BrandId": 1,
"IssuerId": 2,
"TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting": true,
"InputMode": "Emv",
"AuthenticationMethod": "OnlineAuthentication",
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"PinBlock": {
"EncryptedPinBlock": "2280F6BDFD0C038D",
"EncryptionType": "Dukpt3Des",
"KsnIdentification": "1231vg31fv231313123"
"PanSequenceNumber": 123
"PaymentDateTime": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"ServiceTaxAmount": 0,
"SoftDescriptor": "Description",
"ProductId": 1,
"PinPadInformation": {
"TerminalId": "10000001",
"SerialNumber": "ABC123",
"PhysicalCharacteristics": "PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule",
"ReturnDataInfo": "00"
"Amount": 15798,
"ReceivedDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"CapturedAmount": 15798,
"Provider": "Cielo",
"ConfirmationStatus": 0,
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029,
"EmvResponseData": "123456789ABCD1345DEA",
"Status": 2,
"IsSplitted": false,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"PaymentId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Type": "PhysicalDebitCard",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Country": "BRA",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/confirmation"
"PrintMessage": [
"Position": "Top",
"Message": "Transação autorizada"
"Position": "Bottom",
"Message": "Obrigado e volte sempre!"
"ReceiptInformation": [
"Content": "Cielo"
"Content": "São Paulo"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantOrderId |
String | — | — | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and incremented by 1 for each transaction made at the terminal. |
Customer.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.Installments |
Integer | — | — | Default: 1 / Number of Installments: Ranges from 2 to 99 for financing transaction. The attributes maxOfPayments1, maxOfPayments2, maxOfPayments3, and minValOfPayments of the productTable table must be checked. |
Payment.Interest |
String | — | — | Default: ByMerchant Enum: ByMerchant ByIssuer Installment Type: - If bit 6 of the confParamOp05 attribute present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 6 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled indicates that the interest-free installment type can be made. - If bit 7 of the confParamOp05 attribute, present in the issuerTable and binTable tables and bit 7 of the confParamOp03 attribute of the productTable table are all enabled, it indicates that the interest installment type can be made. No interest = “ByMerchant”; With interest = “ByIssuer”. |
Payment.Capture |
Boolean | — | — | Default: false / Boolean that identifies that the authorization must be with auto capture. Authorization without automatic capture is also known as pre-authorization. |
VoucherCard.ExpirationDate |
String | MM/yyyy | Yes | Card Expiration Date. Data obtained through the command PP_GetCard in BC at the time of the transaction capture. |
VoucherCard.BrandId |
Integer | — | Yes | Brand identification obtained through the BrandId field from the PRODUCT TABLE. |
VoucherCard.IssuerId |
Integer | — | Yes | Issuer code obtained through IssuerId field from the BIN TABLE. |
VoucherCard.TruncateCardNumberWhenPrinting |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates whether the card number will be truncated at the time the voucher is printed. The capture solution must make this decision based on confParamOp03 present in the BIN TABLE, PARAMETER TABLE and ISSUER TABLE tables. |
VoucherCard.InputMode |
String | — | Yes | Enum: Typed MagStripe Emv Identification of card capture mode in the transaction. This information must be obtained through the return of BC’s PP_GetCard function. “00” – Magnetic “01” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v1 “02” - VISA Cash Coin on TIBC v3 “03” – EMV with contact “04” - Easy Entry on TIBC v1 “05” - Contactless chip simulating the black stripe “06” - Contactless EMV. |
VoucherCard.AuthenticationMethod |
String | — | Yes | Enum: NoPassword OnlineAuthentication OfflineAuthentication Authentication method - If the card was read from typing, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, the password must be captured and authenticationMethod assumes value 2. Otherwise, assume value 1; -If the card was read from the track, check bit 3 of the confParamOp04 attribute of the binTable, parameterTable and issuerTable tables. If all are enabled, then check bit 2 of the same field. If this value is 1, the password must be captured. If it is set to 0, password capture will depend on the last digit of the service code; - If the card was read through the EMV chip, the authenticationMethod will be populated based on the return of the PP_GoOnChip function(). No resultado PP_GoOnChip(), where if the field of position 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () and if the position field 003 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() value 1 indicates the the pin has been validated offline, the authenticationMethod will be 3. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip () are with the value set to 0, the authenticationMethod will be 1. If the position field 003 and the position field 006 of the return from PP_GoOnChip() are with values 0 and 1 respectively, the authenticationMethod will be 2. 1 - No password = “NoPassword”; 2 - Online password = “Online Authentication”; 3 - Offline password = “Offline Authentication”. |
VoucherCard.EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
PinBlock.EncryptedPinBlock |
— | — | — | — |
PinBlock.EncryptionType |
String | — | — | — |
PinBlock.KsnIdentification |
String | — | — | — |
VoucherCard.PanSequenceNumber |
Number | — | — | Card sequential number, used to identify the additional card checking account. Mandatory for transactions with EMV Chip Cards that have PAN Sequence Number (Tag 5F34). |
Payment.PaymentDateTime |
String | date-time | Yes | Transaction capture Date and Time |
Payment.ServiceTaxAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | — | Identification of the establishment (short name) to be printed and identified on the invoice. |
Payment.ProductId |
Integer | — | Yes | Product code identified via card bin. |
PinPadInformation.TerminalId |
String | — | Yes | Logic Number defined at the Cielo Concentrator. |
PinPadInformation.SerialNumber |
String | — | Yes | Equipment’s serial number. |
PinPadInformation.PhysicalCharacteristics |
String | — | Yes | Enum: WithoutPinPad PinPadWithoutChipReader PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule NotCertifiedPinPad PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModuleAndContactless No PIN-pad = WithoutPinPad ; PIN-pad without Chip reader = PinpadWithoutChipReader ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithoutSamModule ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM Module = PinPadWithChipReaderWithSamModule ; PIN-pad not homologated = NotCertifiedPinPad ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader without SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithoutSamAndContactless ; PIN-Pad with Chip reader with SAM and Contactless Card = PinpadWithChipReaderWithSamAndContactless . Note: In case the application cannot inform the above data, such information must be obtained through the return BC’s PP_GetInfo() function. |
PinPadInformation.ReturnDataInfo |
String | — | Yes | Return of shared library PP_GetInfo() function. |
Payment.Amount |
Integer(int64) | — | Yes | Transaction amount (1079 = R$10,79) |
Payment.ReceivedDate |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.CapturedAmount |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Provider |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.ConfirmationStatus |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.EmvResponseData |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Status |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.IsSplitted |
Boolean | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnCode |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | — |
Payment.PaymentId |
— | — | — | — |
Payment.Type |
String | — | Yes | Value: PhysicalCreditCard / Transaction type |
Payment.Currency |
String | — | — | Default: “BRL” / Value: “BRL” / Currency (Fill with “BRL”) |
Payment.Country |
String | — | — | Default: “BRA” / Value: “BRA” / Country (Fill with “BRA”) |
Payment Flow (Shared Library)
ID | Flow Description |
1 | Entering the transaction amount ( Amount field of the transaction request) |
2 | Recover Date/Time of the transaction (PaymentDateTime field of the transaction request) |
3 | Payment type selection (debit, credit, voucher…) (Type field of the transaction request) |
4 | PP_StartGetCard call passing the values: |
4.1 | Acquiring network identifier (Cielo 03 ) |
4.2 | Application type (related to item 3) |
4.3 | Transaction initial amount (item 1) |
4.4 | Transaction date (item 2) |
4.5 | Transaction time (item 2) |
5 | In case it was use a chip card, recover the aid through the tag 4F on the return from PP_getCard. |
6 | Product selection (ProductId field of the transaction request): |
Transactions with chip:
ID | Flow Description |
1 | Search for the the card’s AID (field Aid ) in the “Emv” table and select the associated products through the field ProductIds . |
2 | In the associated products, recover those that have the same ProductType (table Products ) that started in the transaction (DEBIT, CREDIT ..) and the same host flow (HostFlow field) as defined by Cielo. |
Black stripe/typed transactions:
ID | Flow Description |
1 | When recovering the card pan, search in the Bins table for a bin that is between the values InitialBin and FinalBin (always consider the most specific Bins range) and recover the associated product in the ProductId field; |
2 | Recover products that have the same ProductType (Products table) that started in the transaction(DEBIT, CREDIT…) and the same host flow (HostFlow field) that those defined by Cielo; |
When the payment returns successful, then it can be confirmed.
This operation requires the PaymentId received on the return of the payment, in addition to the EmvData data if the payment was made through Chip.
Confirmation is required for all approved transactions.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
Payment confirmation using typed card
"ConfirmationStatus": 1,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Payment Confirmation Using EMV Card
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"IssuerScriptResults": "0000"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
IssuerScriptResults |
String | — | — | Result of EMV scripts of the issuer |
"ConfirmationStatus": 1,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Successful",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
Payment cancellation using typed card
"MerchantVoidId": 2019042204,
"MerchantVoidDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Card": {
"InputMode": "Typed",
"CardNumber": 1234567812345678
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantVoidId |
String | — | Yes | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and increased 1 in each transaction made at the terminal |
MerchantVoidDate |
String | — | Yes | Cancellation date. |
Card.InputMode |
— | — | — | — |
Card.CardNumber |
String | — | — | Card number Required when the transaction is typed. |
"VoidId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Status": 10,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "reverse",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids/e5c889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4f50d5bd7ca"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "confirm",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids/e5c889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4f50d5bd7ca/confirmation"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
VoidId |
String - uuid | — | — | Cancellation identifier. |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Cancellation status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Denied 3 = Confirmed 4 = Undone |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Payment cancellation using gift card
"MerchantVoidId": 2019042204,
"MerchantVoidDate": "2019-04-15T12:00:00Z",
"Card": {
"InputMode": "MagStripe",
"TrackOneData": "A1234567890123456^FULANO OLIVEIRA SA ^12345678901234567890123",
"TrackTwoData": "0123456789012345=012345678901234"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantVoidId |
String | — | Yes | Document number automatically generated by the terminal and increased 1 in each transaction made at the terminal |
MerchantVoidDate |
String | — | Yes | Cancellation date. |
Card.InputMode |
— | — | — | — |
Card.TrackOneData |
String | — | — | Track data 1 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time. |
Card.TrackTwoData |
String | — | — | Track data 2 Obtained through PP_GetCard command in BC at capture transaction time. |
"VoidId": "f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702",
"Status": 10,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids"
"Method": "DELETE",
"Rel": "reverse",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids/e5c889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4f50d5bd7ca"
"Method": "PUT",
"Rel": "confirm",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702/voids/e5c889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4f50d5bd7ca/confirmation"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
VoidId |
String - uuid | — | — | Cancellation identifier. |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Cancellation status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Denied 3 = Confirmed 4 = Undone |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Depletion using card payment typed
Payment was successfully returned and may be undone.
Must request the depletion through the PaymentId received on the return of payment.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Depletion using EMV card payment
Payment was successfully returned and may be undone.
Must request the depletion through the PaymentId received on the return of payment.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"IssuerScriptsResults": "0000"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
IssuerScriptsResults |
String | — | — | Result of EMV scripts of the issuer |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"IssuerScriptsResults": "0000"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
IssuerScriptsResults |
String | — | — | Result of EMV scripts of the issuer |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Depletion using card payment typed
When the payment does not return, it must be undone.
To request the depletion it must be informed the MerchantOrderId sent in the payment.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Depletion using EMV card payment
When the payment does not return, it must be undone.
To request the depletion it must be informed the MerchantOrderId sent in the payment.
SandBox | Production |
https://apisandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br | https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/ |
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"IssuerScriptsResults": "0000"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
IssuerScriptsResults |
String | — | — | Result of EMV scripts of the issuer |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
"EmvData": "112233445566778899011AABBC012D3456789E0123FF45678AB901234C5D112233445566778800",
"IssuerScriptsResults": "0000"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
EmvData |
String | — | — | EMV Transaction Data Obtained through PP_GoOnChip Command in BC |
IssuerScriptsResults |
String | — | — | Result of EMV scripts of the issuer |
"ConfirmationStatus": 2,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/f15889ea-5719-4e1a-a2da-f4e50d5bd702"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
ConfirmationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Confirmation status. 0 = Pending 1 = Confirmed 2 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
String | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Cancelling Depletion
Cancellation Undo
"CancellationStatus": 4,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/fffef2e6-15ef-4493-869f-62ea285fbfde"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/fffef2e6-15ef-4493-869f-62ea285fbfde/voids"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
CancellationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Cancellation status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Denied 3 = Confirmed 4 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
— | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response. |
Cancellation Undo
"CancellationStatus": 4,
"Status": 2,
"ReturnCode": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "Success",
"Links": [
"Method": "GET",
"Rel": "self",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/fffef2e6-15ef-4493-869f-62ea285fbfde"
"Method": "POST",
"Rel": "void",
"Href": "https://api.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/1/physicalSales/fffef2e6-15ef-4493-869f-62ea285fbfde/voids"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
CancellationStatus |
Integer int16 | — | — | Cancellation status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Denied 3 = Confirmed 4 = Undone |
Status |
Integer int16 | — | — | Transaction status. 0 = Not finished 1 = Authorized 2 = Paid 3 = Denied 10 = Canceled 13 = Aborted |
ReturnCode |
String | — | — | Error code/Acquisition transaction response. |
ReturnMessage |
— | — | — | Error message/Acquisition transaction response |
Low of parameters
This operation is required for the business partner/sub-purchaser to receive all usage parameter tables for a capture solution that can be used as registration through the API call. This information will be received through the API and may be installed at BC.
Initialization of a terminal
Request the tables and parameters for the terminal operation
SandBox | Production |
https://parametersdownloadsandbox.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/api/v0.1 | https://parametersdownload.cieloecommerce.cielo.com.br/api/v0.1 |
"MerchantId": "string",
"TerminalId": "string",
"Acquirer": {
"EnableContaclessCardReader": true,
"LockAppFunctionsExceptInitialization": true,
"HasChipReader": true,
"HasMagneticTrackReader": true,
"HasKeyboard": true
"Merchant": {
"MerchantId": "string",
"NetworkName": "string",
"MerchantName": "string",
"MerchantAddress": "string",
"NationalId": "string"
"Bins": [
"InitialBin": "string",
"FinalBin": "string",
"ProductId": 0,
"Type": 0,
"AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails": true,
"AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash": true,
"AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque": true,
"AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard": true,
"AllowTypingCardNumber": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits": true,
"AllowPrintCardHolderBalance": true,
"AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance": true,
"AllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValue": true,
"RequiresPassword": true,
"InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode": true,
"RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard": true,
"EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped": true,
"RequiresTypingLast4Digits": true,
"AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue": true,
"AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue": true,
"AllowGuaranteeHandling": true,
"AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery": true,
"AllowPostdating": true,
"AllowCDCSale": true,
"AllowFinancingByStore": true,
"AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany": true,
"ValidateCardTrack1": true,
"DoNotValidateCardModule10": true,
"CheckExpiryDateWhenCardNumberIsTyped": true,
"CheckExpiryDateWhenMagneticTrackIsRead": true,
"IssuerId": 0
"Products": [
"ProductId": 0,
"ProductName": "string",
"ProductType": 0,
"BrandId": "string",
"AllowTransactionWithContactlessCard": true,
"IsFinancialProduct": true,
"AllowOfflineAuthorizationForEMVCard": true,
"AllowReprintReceipt": true,
"AllowPrintReceipt": true,
"AllowOfflineAuthorizationForContactlessCard": true,
"AllowCancel": true,
"AllowUndo": true,
"AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue": true,
"AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue": true,
"AllowGuaranteeHandling": true,
"AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery": true,
"AllowPostdating": true,
"AllowCDCSale": true,
"AllowFinancingByStore": true,
"AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany": true,
"MaximumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByCreditCardCompany": 0,
"MaximumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByStore": 0,
"MaximumNumberOfinstallmentsForSaleAndCDCQuery": 0,
"MinimumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByStore": 0,
"SaleGuaranteeType": "string",
"PostdatedDayCountLimit": 0,
"FirstInstallmentDayCountLimit": 0
"Emv": [
"Aid": "string",
"TagsFirst": "string",
"TagsSecond": "string",
"IdxRecord": 0,
"Type": 0,
"RCodeFirst": "string",
"RCodeSecond": "string",
"InvalidateFunctionIfCardIsOnBlacklist": true,
"RequireBINToBeInCardRangeTable": true,
"StoreTransactionsRejectedByTerminalAppAndSendToHost": true,
"NatEmvConctactRiskFloorLimit": 0,
"NatEmvConctactRiskMinValue": 0,
"NatEmvConctactRiskMinPercent": 0,
"NatEmvConctactRiskMaxPercent": 0,
"IntEmvConctactRiskFloorLimit": 0,
"IntEmvConctactRiskMinValue": 0,
"IntEmvConctactRiskMinPercent": 0,
"IntEmvConctactRiskMaxPercent": 0,
"ProductIds": [0]
"Parameters": [
"Currency": "string",
"AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails": true,
"AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash": true,
"AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque": true,
"AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard": true,
"AllowTypingCardNumber": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits": true,
"AllowPrintCardHolderBalance": true,
"AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance": true,
"AllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValue": true,
"RequiresPassword": true,
"InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode": true,
"RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard": true,
"EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped": true,
"RequiresTypingLast4Digits": true,
"CapturesServiceFee": true,
"AllowCancellationWithValueGreaterThanTheValueOfTheSale": true,
"CaptureBoardingFee": true
"Issuers": [
"IssuerId": 0,
"IssuerName": "string",
"AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails": true,
"AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash": true,
"AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque": true,
"AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard": true,
"AllowTypingCardNumber": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits": true,
"MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits": true,
"AllowPrintCardHolderBalance": true,
"AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance": true,
"Option03BiAllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt07": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated": true,
"RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValue": true,
"RequiresPassword": true,
"InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode": true,
"RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard": true,
"EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead": true,
"RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped": true,
"RequiresTypingLast4Digits": true,
"AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue": true,
"AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue": true,
"AllowGuaranteeHandling": true,
"AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery": true,
"AllowPostdating": true,
"AllowCDCSale": true,
"AllowFinancingByStore": true,
"AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany": true,
"RequiresChipReader": true,
"RequiresPinpad": true,
"LimitDayforReversal": 0,
"LimitValueforReversal": "string",
"LimitPercentforReversal": 0,
"IssuerNameForDisplay": "string",
"IssuerNameForPrint": "string"
"AidParameters": "string",
"PublicKeys": "string",
"InitializationVersion": 1558708320029
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description | |
MerchantId |
String | — | — | Store identifier in Cielo. | |
TerminalId |
String | — | — | Terminal identifier. | |
Acquirer.EnableContaclessCardReader |
Boolean | — | — | Enables contactless card reader. | |
Acquirer.LockAppFunctionsExceptInitialization |
Boolean | — | — | Block application functions, except for the boot. | |
Acquirer.HasChipReader |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates that has a chip card reader | |
Acquirer.HasMagneticTrackReader |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates that has a magnetic track reader | |
Acquirer.HasKeyboard |
Boolean | — | — | Indicates that has a keyboard for typing | |
Merchant.MerchantId |
String | — | — | PayStore merchant code, defined at the time of the merchant creation. | |
Merchant.NetworkName |
String | — | — | Network name of the sub-purchaser registered by the PayStore Manager. | |
Merchant.MerchantName |
String | — | — | Merchant’s social name, defined at the time of its creation on the PayStore portal. | |
Merchant.MerchantAddress |
String | — | — | Merchant address obtained from entering the zip code at the time of its creation on the PayStore portal. | |
Merchant.NationalId |
String | — | — | CPF or CNPJ, defined at the time of creation of the merchant on the PayStore portal. | |
Bins.InitialBin |
String | — | — | Starts of BIN’s range. | |
Bins.FinalBin |
String | — | — | End of BIN’s range. | |
Bins.ProductId |
Integer int32 | — | — | Foreign key of the “PRODUCT TABLE”. | |
Bins.Type |
Integer int32 | — | — | Admits the following values 0 - SPECIFIC 1 – GENERIC. |
Bins.AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails |
Boolean | — | — | Allows fallback if there is an error reading the chip. | |
Bins.AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash |
Boolean | — | — | Allows coin load from from cash money. | |
Bins.AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque |
Boolean | — | — | Allows sale with Buy & Withdraw. | |
Bins.AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows offline function, except for EMV card. | |
Bins.AllowTypingCardNumber |
Boolean | — | — | Allows typed card number. | |
Bins.MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print only the last 4 digits of the card. | |
Bins.MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card. | |
Bins.AllowPrintCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows you to print the balance of the holder. | |
Bins.AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the holder balance to be displayed. | |
Bins.AllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt |
Boolean | — | — | Allows partial printing of card number on transaction receipt. | |
Bins.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents sale with double value for pre dating. | |
Bins.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents sale with duplicate value. | |
Bins.RequiresPassword |
Boolean | — | — | Request password. | |
Bins.InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode |
Boolean | — | — | Interprets last digit of the Service Code. | |
Bins.RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Request password, except for EMV card. | |
Bins.EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode |
Boolean | — | — | Enables “Unreadable/Ilegível” and “Does Not Have/Não Possui” options for Security Code. | |
Bins.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead |
Boolean | — | — | Request security code on the track reading. | |
Bins.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped |
Boolean | — | — | Request security code for card typed. | |
Bins.RequiresTypingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Request the last 4 digits typed. | |
Bins.AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capturing the value of the first installment. | |
Bins.AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capture of the input value. | |
Bins.AllowGuaranteeHandling |
Boolean | — | — | Allows warranty treatment. | |
Bins.AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery |
Boolean | — | — | Allows you to pre-date the first installment for sale and CDC consultation. | |
Bins.AllowPostdating |
Boolean | — | — | Allows pre-dating. | |
Bins.AllowCDCSale |
Boolean | — | — | Allows CDC selling. | |
Bins.AllowFinancingByStore |
Boolean | — | — | Allows financing by the store. | |
Bins.AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany |
Boolean | — | — | Allows funding by the administrator. | |
Bins.ValidateCardTrack1 |
Boolean | — | — | Check Track 1 of the card. | |
Bins.DoNotValidateCardModule10 |
Boolean | — | — | Do not validate Module 10 of the card. | |
Bins.CheckExpiryDateWhenCardNumberIsTyped |
Boolean | — | — | Check expiration date of the card typed. | |
Bins.CheckExpiryDateWhenMagneticTrackIsRead |
Boolean | — | — | Checks the track expiry date. | |
Bins.IssuerId |
Integer int32 | — | — | Foreign key of the “ISSUER TABLE”. | |
Products.ProductId |
Integer int32 | — | — | Product identifier. | |
Products.ProductName |
String | — | — | Product’s name. | |
Products.ProductType |
Integer int32 | — | — | Admits the following values 0 - CREDIT 1 – DEBIT |
Products.BrandId |
String | — | — | Card brand identifier. | |
Products.AllowTransactionWithContactlessCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows contactless card transaction. | |
Products.IsFinancialProduct |
Boolean | — | — | Financial product. | |
Products.AllowOfflineAuthorizationForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows EMV offline authorization. | |
Products.AllowReprintReceipt |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the receipt reprint. | |
Products.AllowPrintReceipt |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the receipt printing. | |
Products.AllowOfflineAuthorizationForContactlessCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows offline authorization for contactless card. | |
Products.AllowCancel |
Boolean | — | — | Allow cancellation. | |
Products.AllowUndo |
Boolean | — | — | Allow depletion. | |
Products.AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capturing the value of the first installment. | |
Products.AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capture of the input value. | |
Products.AllowGuaranteeHandling |
Boolean | — | — | Allows guarantee treatment. | |
Products.AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery |
Boolean | — | — | Allows you to pre-date the first installment for sale and the CDC consultation. | |
Products.AllowPostdating |
Boolean | — | — | Allows pre-dating. | |
Products.AllowCDCSale |
Boolean | — | — | Allows CDC selling. | |
Products.AllowFinancingByStore |
Boolean | — | — | Allows financing by the store | |
Products.AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany |
Boolean | — | — | Allows financing by the Administrator. | |
Products.MaximumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByCreditCardCompany |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum number of installments for ADM financing. | |
Products.MaximumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByStore |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum number of installments for the store financing. | |
Products.MaximumNumberOfinstallmentsForSaleAndCDCQuery |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum number of installments for sale and CDC consultation. | |
Products.MinimumNumberOfInstallmentsWhenFinancingByStore |
Integer int64 | — | — | Minimum value of installments for store financing. | |
Products.SaleGuaranteeType |
String | — | — | Guarantee type for postdated. Admits the following values 00 – Does not allow guarantee treatment (Guaranteed Sale); 05 – Allows guaranteed postdated transactions; 07 – Allows postdated guaranteed and unsecured transactions. |
Products.PostdatedDayCountLimit |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum limit on days to pre-date from the current date. 00 – Don’t accept. XX - Pre dated. |
Products.FirstInstallmentDayCountLimit |
Integer int32 | — | — | First installment date limit. 00 – Don’t accept. XX - Days limit. |
Emv.Aid |
String | — | — | EMV application identifier. | |
Emv.TagsFirst |
String | — | — | Required tag set submitted 1st generate AC. | |
Emv.TagsSecond |
String | — | — | Required tag set submitted 1nd generate AC. | |
Emv.IdxRecord |
Integer int32 | — | — | — | |
Emv.Type |
Integer int32 | — | — | Admits the following values 0 - CREDIT 1 – DEBIT |
Emv.RCodeFirst |
String | — | — | — | |
Emv.RCodeSecond |
String | — | — | — | |
Emv.InvalidateFunctionIfCardIsOnBlacklist |
Boolean | — | — | Invalidates the function if the card is in the blacklist. | |
Emv.RequireBINToBeInCardRangeTable |
Boolean | — | — | Forces the BIN to be in Card Range table (type 2B). | |
Emv.StoreTransactionsRejectedByTerminalAppAndSendToHost |
Boolean | — | — | Stores and sends to the host the transactions rejected by the terminal application. | |
Emv.NatEmvConctactRiskFloorLimit |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum check value for offline authorization of transactions. Transactions made with EMV Chip reading and above the “Floor limit”, must be authorized in online mode. | |
Emv.NatEmvConctactRiskMinValue |
Integer int32 | — | — | Minimum value for random selection calculation for offline authorization. As per process defined in the EMV Specification. | |
Emv.NatEmvConctactRiskMinPercent |
Integer int32 | — | — | Minimum percentage for random selection. Use only the content of the last byte. | |
Emv.NatEmvConctactRiskMaxPercent |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum percentage for random selection. Use only the content of the last byte. | |
Emv.IntEmvConctactRiskFloorLimit |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum check value for offline authorization of transactions. Transactions made with EMV Chip reading and above the “floor limit” value must be authorized in online mode. | |
Emv.IntEmvConctactRiskMinValue |
Integer int32 | — | — | Minimum value for random selection calculation for offline authorization. As per process defined in the EMV Specification. | |
Emv.IntEmvConctactRiskMinPercent |
Integer int32 | — | — | Minimum percentage for random selection. Use only the content of the last byte. | |
Emv.IntEmvConctactRiskMaxPercent |
Integer int32 | — | — | Maximum percentage for random selection. Use only the content of the last byte. | |
Emv.ProductIds |
Array of integers int32 | — | — | Products enabled for this EMV application. | |
Parameters.Currency |
String | — | — | — | |
Parameters.AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails |
Boolean | — | — | Allows fallback if Chip read error. | |
Parameters.AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash |
Boolean | — | — | Allows coin load from cash money. | |
Parameters.AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque |
Boolean | — | — | Allows sale with Buy & Withdraw. | |
Parameters.AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows offline function except EMV card. | |
Parameters.AllowTypingCardNumber |
Boolean | — | — | Allows manual entry of card number. | |
Parameters.MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print only the last 4 digits of the card. | |
Parameters.MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card. | |
Parameters.AllowPrintCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows you to print the balance of the holder. | |
Parameters.AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the holder balance to be displayed. | |
Parameters.AllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt |
Boolean | — | — | Allows partial printing of card number on transaction receipt. | |
Parameters.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents duplicate value sales for pre-dating. | |
Parameters.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValue |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents sale with duplicate value. | |
Parameters.RequiresPassword |
Boolean | — | — | Request password. | |
Parameters.InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode |
Boolean | — | — | Interprets the last digit of the service code. | |
Parameters.RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Request password, except for EMV card. | |
Parameters.EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode |
Boolean | — | — | Enables “Unreadable/Ilegível” and “Does Not Have/Não Possui” options for Security Code. | |
Parameters.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead |
Boolean | — | — | Request security code on the track reading. | |
Parameters.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped |
Boolean | — | — | Request security code for card typed. | |
Parameters.RequiresTypingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Request the last 4 digits typed. | |
Parameters.CapturesServiceFee |
Boolean | — | — | Service fee capture. | |
Parameters.AllowCancellationWithValueGreaterThanTheValueOfTheSale |
Boolean | — | — | Allows cancellation value higher than the original sale value. | |
Parameters.CaptureBoardingFee |
Boolean | — | — | Capture of the boarding fee. | |
Issuers.IssuerId |
integer int32 | — | — | Issuer identifier. | |
Issuers.IssuerName |
String | — | — | Issuer’s name. | |
Issuers.AllowFallbackWhenChipReadingFails |
Boolean | — | — | Allows fallback if Chip read error. | |
Issuers.AllowChargingMoedeiroFromCash |
Boolean | — | — | Allows coin load from cash money. | |
Issuers.AllowPurchaseWithCompreESaque |
Boolean | — | — | Allows sale with Buy & Withdraw. | |
Issuers.AllowOfflineFunctionExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Allows offline function except EMV card. | |
Issuers.AllowTypingCardNumber |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the card number to be typed. | |
Issuers.MaskCardNumberUsingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print only the last 4 digits of the card. | |
Issuers.MaskCardNumberUsingFirst6AndLas4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Print the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card. | |
Issuers.AllowPrintCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows you to print the balance of the holder. | |
Issuers.AllowDisplayCardHolderBalance |
Boolean | — | — | Allows the holder balance to be displayed. | |
Issuers.Option03BiAllowPrintingPartialCardNumberInReceipt07 |
Boolean | — | — | Allows partial printing of card number on transaction receipt. | |
Issuers.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValueWhenPostdated |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents duplicate value sales for pre-dating. | |
Issuers.RestrictSaleWithDuplicateValue |
Boolean | — | — | Prevents sale with duplicate value. | |
Issuers.RequiresPassword |
Boolean | — | — | Request password | |
Issuers.InterpretsLastDigitOfSecurityCode |
Boolean | — | — | Interprets the last digit of the service code. | |
Issuers.RequiresPasswordExceptForEMVCard |
Boolean | — | — | Request password, except for EMV card. | |
Issuers.EnableAdditionalSecurityCodeOptions_Unreadable_NoCode |
Boolean | — | — | Enables “Unreadable/Ilegível” and “Does Not Have/Não Possui” options for Security Code. | |
Issuers.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenMagneticTrackIsRead |
Boolean | — | — | Request the security code on track reading. | |
Issuers.RequiresSecurityCodeWhenCardNumberIsTyped |
Boolean | — | — | Request security code for card typed. | |
Issuers.RequiresTypingLast4Digits |
Boolean | — | — | Request the last 4 digits typed. | |
Issuers.AllowCaptureOfFirstInstallmentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capturing the value of the first installment. | |
Issuers.AllowCaptureOfDownpaymentValue |
Boolean | — | — | Allows capture of the input value. | |
Issuers.AllowGuaranteeHandling |
Boolean | — | — | Allows warranty treatment. | |
Issuers.AllowPostdatingTheFirstInstallmentForSaleAndCDCQuery |
Boolean | — | — | Allows pre-dating the first installment for sale and CDC consultation. | |
Issuers.AllowPostdating |
Boolean | — | — | Allows pre-dating. | |
Issuers.AllowCDCSale |
Boolean | — | — | Allows CDC sale. | |
Issuers.AllowFinancingByStore |
Boolean | — | — | Allows financing by the store. | |
Issuers.AllowFinancingByCreditCardCompany |
Boolean | — | — | Allows financing by the Administrator. | |
Issuers.RequiresChipReader |
Boolean | — | — | Requires the existence of the chip reader. | |
Issuers.RequiresPinpad |
Boolean | — | — | Requires existence of the PIN-pad. | |
Issuers.LimitDayforReversal |
integer int32 | — | — | Data limite em dias para permitir Cancelamento. | |
Issuers.LimitValueforReversal |
String | — | — | Valor máximo para Cancelamento. | |
Issuers.LimitPercentforReversal |
integer int64 | — | — | Maximum percentage for cancellation. | |
Issuers.IssuerNameForDisplay |
String | — | — | Issuer Name for display. | |
Issuers.IssuerNameForPrint |
String | — | — | Issuer name for printing. | |
AidParameters |
— | — | — | — | |
PublicKeys |
— | — | — | — | |
InitializationVersion |
— | — | — | — |
This operation allows the registration of stores and terminals, enabling business models where the facilitator needs to segment its operation.
POST Merchant - Request
Create a new merchant.
"Owner": {
"Name": "teste",
"Email": "teste123@mail.com.br",
"PhoneNumber": "11900000000",
"MessengerPhone": "11900000000",
"DocumentNumber": "33572628099"
"Address": {
"ZipCode": "58015260",
"Street": "",
"Number": "123",
"Complement": ""
"TradeName": "TradeName",
"CompanyName": "CompanyName",
"Email": "teste@email.com.br",
"PhoneNumber": "11900000099",
"Mcc": 26,
"DocumentNumber": "07399049000199",
"DocumentType": "Cnpj",
"TefConfig": {
"MerchantAcquirerId": "123456789012345",
"LogicalNumber": "11111111-0"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
SubordinatedMerchantId |
String(Guid) | 36 | — | The ID that the subordinate store should assume. |
Address.ZipCode |
String | 9 | Yes | CEP |
Address.Street |
String | 120 | No | Location |
Address.Number |
String | 9 | Yes | Address number |
Address.Complement |
String | 120 | No | Address complement |
TradeName |
String | 35 | Yes | Fantasy name |
CompanyName |
String | 35 | No | Corporate name. Mandatory when the DocumentType is “Cnpj” - Legal Entity |
Email |
String | 45 | Yes | Store email address |
PhoneNumber |
String | 14 | Yes | Store phone |
Mcc |
Integer | 4 | Yes | Branch of Activity (MCC), obtained by consulting lines of activity in the MCC table. |
DocumentNumber |
String | 20 | Yes | Store CPF or CNPJ |
DocumentType |
String | 4 | Yes | Enum: Cpf Cnpj |
SoftDescriptor |
String | 13 | No | Invoice Description |
Owner.Name |
String | 50 | Yes | Owner name |
Owner.Email |
String | 45 | Yes | Owner’s email |
Owner.PhoneNumber |
String | 14 | Yes | Owner’s Phone |
Owner.MessengerPhone |
String | 14 | Yes | Owner WhatsApp |
TefConfig.MerchantAcquirerId |
String | 32 | No | Store identification code on the Acquirer. |
TefConfig.LogicalNumber |
String | 10 | No | Logical number of the terminal. |
GET Merchant - Response
Search the merchant for their ID.
"Merchant": {
"SubordinatedMerchantId": "string",
"Owner": {
"Name": "string",
"Email": "string",
"PhoneNumber": "string",
"MessengerPhone": "string",
"Gender": "Other"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
SubordinatedMerchantId |
— | — | — | — |
Owner.Name |
String | — | — | — |
Owner.Email |
String | — | — | — |
Owner.PhoneNumber |
String | 14 | — | — |
Owner.MessengerPhone |
String | 14 | — | — |
Owner.Gender |
String | — | — | Enum: Other Male Female |
PUT Merchant - Request
Make the merchant change by its ID.
"Address": {
"ZipCode": "string",
"Street": "string",
"Number": "string",
"Complement": "string"
"TradeName": "string",
"CompanyName": "string",
"Email": "string",
"PhoneNumber": "string",
"Mcc": 0,
"DocumentNumber": "string",
"DocumentType": "Cpf"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
Address.ZipCode |
String | — | — | — |
Address.Street |
String | — | — | — |
Address.Number |
String | — | — | — |
Address.Number |
String | — | — | — |
TradeName |
String | — | — | — |
CompanyName |
String | — | — | — |
Email |
String | — | — | — |
PhoneNumber |
String | 14 | — | — |
Mcc |
String | — | — | — |
DocumentNumber |
String | — | — | — |
DocumentType |
String | — | — | Enum: Cpf Cnpj |
Update tef config from store
Store tef config data update.
"MerchantAcquirerId": "123456789012345",
"LogicalNumber": "11111111-0"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
MerchantAcquirerId |
String | 32 | No | Store identification code on the Acquirer. |
LogicalNumber |
String | 10 | No | Logical number of the terminal. |
Success case: Status 200 ok
Request error case: Status 400 Bad Request
Other errors: Status 500 Internal Server Error
"ReturnCode": "400",
"ReturnMessage": "Dígito verificador inválido\r\n"
Create a new terminal.
"TerminalBaseModel": {
"CommunicationType": "PERFIL_PADRAO",
"EquipmentModel": 0,
"EquipmentSerialNumber": "string",
"TerminalId": "string"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
TerminalBaseModel.CommunicationType |
String | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.EquipmentModel |
Integer | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.EquipmentSerialNumber |
String | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.TerminalId |
String | — | — | — |
"Terminal": {
"CommunicationType": "PERFIL_PADRAO",
"EquipmentModel": 0,
"EquipmentSerialNumber": "string",
"TerminalId": "string",
"SubordinatedMerchantId": "string"
Property | Type | Size | Required | Description |
TerminalBaseModel.CommunicationType |
String | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.EquipmentModel |
Integer | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.EquipmentSerialNumber |
String | — | — | — |
TerminalBaseModel.TerminalId |
String | — | — | — |
Terminal.SubordinatedMerchantId |
String uuid | — | — | — |