Cielo API Backoffice

The purpose of this document is to guide the retailer on how to access the Backoffice of the Cielo e-Commerce API. Describing the functionalities, the methods to be used, listing necessary information and providing examples.


The Backoffice of the Cielo e-Commerce allows the retailer to access 4 menus with different functionalities:

  1. Cielo developer area – Where developers can access information such as integration manuals, FAQs and support.
  2. Transaction search – Searches all transactions performed by the store and displays it as a capture or cancel transactions.
  3. Billing statement – It details the amount charged by Cielo for each used function on Cielo e-Commerce API.
  4. Recurrence configuration – To change recurrence execution attempts quantities in case of declined card.

Accessing the Backoffice

To access the Backoffice, insert your establishment code:

Acessing the Backoffice

Next, insert your username and password:

Accessing the Backoffice

Click on E-commerce. In the API e-Commerce Cielo tab, click Acessar:

Accessing the Backoffice

You will be redirected to the Backoffice:

Accessing the Backoffice

In this area you can access other Backoffice functionalities

Accessing the Developer area

Click on the highlighted link below:


You will be redirected to

Searching and editing transactions

Search Transactions

When accessing the option below

Transaction search

You will be redirected to the transactions search screen:

Transaction search

This screen allows searching every transaction performed with success on the Cielo e-Commerce API and to perform the transactions capture or cancelling.

About the Filters:

Filters Description  
Tid Cielo transaction identifier. Returning via response and available on Cielo website  
EC Cielo Affiliation number  
Payment Id e-Commerce transaction identifier  
Order Number Order number sent by the retailer  
NSU Authorization identification. Sent via response  
Error code Returned code in case a transaction generates an error.  
Payment methods Group of payment methods such as Boletos and cred card. Does not differentiate card brand or bank.
Payment methods Specific payment method used on the transaction (Ex: Bradesco Boleto)  
Fraud analysis What is the antifraud status of the transaction at the moment of the search  
Transaction Status Canceled - Transaction canceled by the retailer
Reversed - Canceled transactions with less than 24 hours
Not Authorized - Transactions declined by the Cielo Authorizer
Not Paid - Authorized transactions, but not captured
Paid - Captured Transactions

The filters can be combined to perform a customized search.

Capturing or Canceling Transactions

When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling. When identifying the transaction that you wish to cancel or capture:

capturing transactions

capturing transactions

Just perform the canceling or the Capture (The presented button depends on the transaction status at the moment of the exhibition.

capturing transactions

Confirm the value to be captured or canceled. PS: Changing the value on the menu above defines the Cancelling/Partial Capturing behavior.

Capturing or cancelling transactions in block

When performing a search, it is possible to perform a transaction capture or cancelling in block. Just select which will be modified and click in “Options”:

transactions block

Select the desired option:

transactions block

When selecting the desired option, you will be redirected to a screen where you’ll be able to set the capture/cancelling amount.

transactions block

Using the Statement

The billing statement allows visualizing the value to be charged by the utilization of the Cielo e-Commerce API functionalities. Just select the month and the year that you wish to display.


For more information about the charged services, contact our support team:

Configuring the Recurrence

The recurrence configuration area allows modifying the number and the interval of transactions attempts. These attempts occur when a transaction (inside a recurrence) is declined. The Cielo e-Commerce API has the intelligence to identify this scenario, and execute a new transaction.

Access the configuration screen and use the link “Payment method”:


You will be redirected to the configuration screen:


On this screen it is possible to change: